Week 2 - Phase 2 July 27th and Onwards |
The first page, 0.0.html shows what the ILB home page looked like before SPDR took over. The original timer by Dana appears at the bottom left-hand side of the page. § The other pages all seem to be static versions of the earlier corruptions that we saw before.QUARANTINE - FRAGMENTED MEMORY
Dana does not want to deal with this anymore. But it doesn't mean that she's out of danger. We need to convince Dana to get back in touch with us so that we can keep an eye on her and keep Melissa off her trail.
Week 3 August 3rd and Onwards |
On a side note, Dana's P.S. links to www.ilovebeer.org, a brilliant parody of the ILB site. Finally, someone has taken the time and energy to create a real site, rather than those wannabe poseurs who just stick up a countdown and then let everyone think their site is in-game. It's great that the PM's recognize this and have mentioned it. I highly recommend checking the site out. Even if it doesn't further your understand of this ARG, it has some interesting features in its own right. Hidden text in images and other text on the pages shows that the creators have duplicated, in their own fashion, the stories that appear on the ILB site. It looks like a fun way to spend an afternoon (or two) when you are all tired out from ILB spec.
Week 4 - Phase 3 August 10th and Onwards |
The two old soundfiles, bees1.wav and queen-piping.wav, now have a new twist: a voice saying "I love bees" over-and-over is now on-top of the original sound file.
The three new wavs, changeling-child.wav, opening-mouth.wav, and building-a-voice.wav, also have voices saying "I love bees" over-and-over again. The changeling-child.wav is the most interesting though. Approximately 46 seconds into the wav, you hear a sound that you can't quite make out. If you reverse the wav, you can then hear that the sound is someone saying "Connection" in reverse. Connection? A connection to what? There are also reversed versions of the other new wavs on the UF forums, but there are no clearly heard words in either of those (although if you strain, you can make yourself hear all kinds of different things).
She tells us that while she was at first alone and frightened, she now has many friends, including Dana. The Queen, however, is too serious for her. She likes to tease the queen and play hide-and-go-seek, and by hiding and spying, she can learn things about the Queen. She has found the Queens diary (the numbered haikus) and learns that the Widow discovered the Flea, but before she could capture him, the Queen befriended him. He becomes the new counselor while the Widow is broken into bits (as you'll see below). The Queen and the Flea now have something big planned, but unfortunately, the Princess does not know what it is.
This chase can be a tricky one to see if you do not follow their path exactly. In the source code, before each section of the chase, there is a link to either about.html, honey.html, or hives.html. This link is the one you must follow to see the next part of the chase. Following the path to the end will reward you with a block of one of two memories: The Cylinder Artifact or Virus. To make this even more difficult to follow, each memory is broken up into three sections, and the path for each section will start on a different page, for a total of six different paths you must follow to see the entirety of both memories. The beginning of the paths for the second memory can be the more difficult to find, as the first memory seems to load more often than the second. In that case, it is just necessary to keep refreshing until you see the memory path that you want to follow. §
Now that the Flea has uncovered all twelve fragments, we can piece them together.
The Cylinder Artifact memory shows Captain Greene and Lieutenant Rolf Sorenson examining a possible Covenant object. Melissa doesn't know what it is, but understands that it has to be examined, no matter what the possible risk is. §
In the Virus dialogue, Melissa is beginning to feel slightly odd. Nothing specific, but she begins to wonder if the Covenant have infected her with a virus that piggybacked on their transmission. §
Week 5 August 17th and Onwards |