Beginning or Middle? |
It always amazes me how many people don't play certain games simply because they didn't find out about it right at the launch. They come into chat asking "Any good games going on?" and then after you run through the list for them, they decide that "I want to play a game from the beginning." It drives me absolutely nuts. If the main criteria for game play is simply the elapsed time since launch, why even bother asking for suggestions? Just go hang out in News & Rumors and pick a thread at random. Chances are you'll find something that has just started in the past week.
At the same time, I do feel sorry for these people that have given themselves such a narrow window for ARGs. They are missing out on some great experiences because they refuse to get involved with things that don't allow them to be the Edmund Hillary of the ARG world. So while they are sitting off to the side wishing "I wish I could discover an unknown game," everyone else is out exploring and experiencing the joys that the wishers can only dream of.
Of course, the people waiting on the sidelines don't see it that way. "It's too hard to start a game in the middle!" That's utter bullshit - especially if the game is very popular. There is almost always a Story So Far you can find, or at the very least a list of threads to read. Most games can be caught up on within a few short hours. It takes longer the more indepth you go, or if the game is really advanced, but you could still catch up within 24 hours.
With Year Zero, you have UF, echoing the sound, and BrianEngima's trail. Tons of resources to catch you up. I can understand people not wanting to play because of the subject matter, but if I hear one more person say "it's too far advanced," I'm gonna kill a kitten.
Concert T-Shirts |
So where to start? Why not at the beginning?
Everything started when people started noticing that there were letters highlighted on the back of concert tshirt from the early 2007 NIN shows. These letters spell out 'I Am Trying to Believe' which, with a little bit of guesswork, takes you to http://www.iamtryingtobelieve.com.
I Am Trying to Believe |
This is an incredibly bizarre site. First off, there is this black background with colored lines and blocks running all through it. It reminds me a lot of the corrupted pictures from ILB. The site would be bad enough to read on this background, but to make it even harder, there are all these overlapping letters on the main text, forcing you to Control-A to be able to read everything without crossing your eyes. Which is why I've put all the text on here so that I can look stuff up easier when I need to.
This website introduces us to Parepin. Parepin is a chemical substance/drug that has been added to the water supply (ala floride) to help combat biological terrorism. According to the newspaper articles on the website, it's supposed to be an immune booster. However, as more and more people consume ever increasing quantities of Parepin, undesireable side effects keep occuring. These include constipation, twitchyness, loss of sex drive, and hallucinations. In fact, the author seems to question if the hallucinations from Parepin are behind all the sightings of 'The Presence' - a giant hand-like thing that comes out of the sky.
“The Presence” – Legitimate Phenomenon or
Parepin-Induced Mass Psychosis?
Parepin affects brain chemistry--specifically dopamines.
Dopaminergic overactivity is linked to schizophrenia. Parepin dosage
is not controlled. It’s just in the water. The more water you drink, the
more parepin you ingest. It seems possible that some individuals are more sensitive to
Parepin, and that others are ingesting more because of their lifestyle.
It does not seem to me coincidental that this wave of sightings has occurred since
Parepin was added to the water. Parepin may make some people
more susceptible to visions and hypnagogic
hallucinations (those very vivid dreams you have when you think you are
America's First Line of Defense
Orlando, Fla. - This weekend, Parepin will be added to Orlando's drinking supply in what is both a symbolic and a very practical move in the battle against biological terrorism. Parepin strengthens the immune system, boosting immunity against a wide range of biological weapons.
After the devastating dirty bomb and biological attacks against Los Angeles and Anaheim, Orlando was selected for protection from biological attack.
Washington, DC, New York City, Atlanta and Boston will all be addig [sic] Parepin to their water supply before the end of the montion, and national rollout should be completed (see PAREPIN, p. 12) |
Parepin is the brand name for a man made drug that is also sometimes referred to by its generic name, zeridine. Developed in a ground breaking partnership between a major pharmaceutical company and the National Institue of Health, Parepin is a complex drug that bootstraps the immune system. Parepin is a revoluationar drug made possible by the advances in medical technology from the study of AIDS and other immune diseases. While antibiotics target bacteria and antiviral drugs target viruses, Parepin is not designed to combat a specific disease or set of diseases. Instead it makes the body better able to combat all disease.
Really? Where's the proof?? |
Parepin/zeridine is a closely guarded secret with extensive legal
protections that were put into place by the Bio-Terrorism Prevention
Author Calista Whitcomb Dies
Actress and screenwriter Calista Whitcomb was found in her Winter Park, Florida condo on Saturday, dead from an apparently self-inflicted bullet wound to the head. Friends said she had seemed unhappy and paranoid in the days leading up to her death.
Whitcomb came under widespread criticism earlier this year after making public accusations that the U.S. government was "poisoining its own electorate." Despite the huge success of her new movie Sing Me to Sleep, Whitcomb was reportedly having difficulty getting green lights on her projects as wary studio executives shied away
My last successful FOIA request before they struck it from the books
He said that Whitcomb routinely refused to drink the water, saying she had brought her own and that he was "a fool for drinking that pisswater filled with toxins." When he asked her what toxins she was refering to, she said, "XXXXXX"
Other interviews confirm Whitcomb's obsession with "not drinking the water." Surveillance has supplied no direct evidence of involvement with organized dissenters, but the possiblity is distinct.
Her increasingly high profile makes her an unforunate mouthpiece for resistance forces, no matter her actual level of involvement. Strongly suggest XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Parepin also affects dopamine and serotonin levels. So do
anti-depressants and illegal drugs like cocaine, methamphetamines
and opal. No other immune system booster, antibiotic or antiviral that I can
find has any effect on neurotransmitters. Parepin is a complex drug, isn’t it?
I used to dismiss conspiracy theories about the Administration’s “real reason” for
adding Parepin to our water. Now, I’m not so sure.
We’ve all heard a lot about how Parepin isn’t addictive, and how its side effects are rare
and mostly mild. I can attest that Parepin isn’t addictive, at least in my
case, because I eliminated it from my system about two
months ago and had no adverse affects.
Is Parepin Related to Dropping Birth Rates?
Dahlasik C, Allbright L, Grunewald N. Anti-depressants and Sexual Disfunction. Archives of General Psychiarty 0000; 72: 234-240
A statistical analysis of the upsurge in medication prescribed to men and women to combat anorgasmia.
One of the side effects of certain classes of antidepressants is an inability to
reach orgasm. Have you had issues of performance? If you even had to think
about how to answer that question, then let me suggest that Parepin wilts
more than just bioterrorism.
We’ve come to accept “the twitchies.” Administration-approved comics like to
play muscle spasms for gentle laughs, and every so often we find ourselves skipping a
dinner party because a persistent facial tic would make it awkward to
converse. We treat muscular twitches as we do hayfever or mosquito bites: an annoying
but ultimately harmless fact of life.
How to Get Things Moving
6 Laxative Solutions You Can Find In Your Own Kitchen
20 years ago, this would have NEVER appeared on a fashion magazine cover
This was not the norm before Parepin. Laxatives weren’t the
top-selling over-the-counter drug in America, either. I
have to wonder what these symptoms are telling us about Parepin’s
long-term affect on our bodies.
Of course, most of us are not prone to getting worked up over things like this, which leads
me to my next question...
Does Parepin Sedate You Into Compliance?
Superbowl Ticket Sales Down
The organizers of this year's Superbowl are
worried about the continuing decline in ticket
sales in recent years. "We don't understand
it," says NFL Commissioner Jerry Bomzer.
"It's like people don't care that much
about football anymore. Even Eagles fans
I was already an adult when Parepin was first introduced into the water supply. During
the last two months, since I’ve gone off Parepin, I’ve experienced a feeling
that I hadn’t even remembered. If you’re in your thirties or older, you
might remember it.
It’s a feeling of clarity: your thoughts are clear and ordered, you feel the
sharpness of both sadness and joy, and you begin to have ambitions
to see more, hear more, do more. It’s not a “high,” though I do feel more energetic
than I have for years. I sure get a lot more done every day. It’s actually kind of scary,
because everything seems more important. More urgent. Problems are more
frightening. happiness is more vivid. I just feel more...present.
Most of all, my mind is working again. I’m starting to think about a lot of
the problems our country is facing, and how we got here. The Administration would tell
you I’m suffering from paranoia, and maybe they’re right. But I don’t think
I’m paranoid. I just feel awake.
Bio-Terrorism: Promise or Threat?
Parepin Water Treatment Saves Millions
Seattle, WA - Instead of widespread panic and mayhem, calm relief carried the day in downtown Seattle and surrounding areas. The FBI revealed today that a coordinated bioterrorism attack failed to have the intended consequences thanks to the ongoing treatement of public water supplies with the immune booster Parepin.
"We saw a few cases of illness in folks from rural areas who were in the city yesterday, but that was all," said an FBI spokesman. Some people in rural areas use well water that has not been treated with Parepin, but authorties recommend buying Parepin treated water or having a Parepin treatment system added to wells (available at no charge at your local municipal center).
When early versions of Parepin first went into our water supply, the brief outcry was
squashed primarily by evoking the horrors of bioterrorism and presenting
Parepin as a key defense.
“Would you rather suffer a few mild side effects, or put yourself and all your loved ones
at risk of dying a gruesome death?”
I know what my answer was for a long time. I didn’t care a bit about being
constipated, or twitchy, or losing most of my sex drive, or
even risking the occasional “serious” side effect... so long as I felt safe.
Then I met an old friend of mine. He seemed different from everyone
else. Sharper. Healthier, even. He told me he’d been off Parepin for
four years solid. I didn’t believe him at first, but he was very convincing. He
said he’d been off Parepin during the northeastern bio-attack in ‘19 and didn’t
suffer a thing.
Now that I’ve been off Parepin, I’m beginning to wonder if bio-terrorism isn’t
a threat, but a promise that our government delivers
on every day. What if Parepin isn’t the antidote, but the
What if Parepin is bio-terrorism?
Think about it. And if one day you’re feeling plucky, try a little vacation from the public
water supply. See if things don’t seem a lot clearer.
Contact the Author: water@iamtryingtobelieve.com
The main concern of the site, however, seems to be the real purpose of Parepin. They are numerous articles questioning the immune boosting properties of Parepin and the possibility that this is a goverment conspiracy to keep the general populace complacent. There are small pockets of people who decide to go Parepin free and suffer no ill effects, either from withdrawl or 'biological attacks'. In fact, the people who are Parepin free say they feel more alert and clearer headed than they ever did while on Parepin.
There is an email address (water@iamtryingtobelieve.com) where you can contact the author for more information. However, when you send a note off to him, you get an auto-response that tells you that everything is fine and the water is great.
Thank you for your interest. It is now clear to me that Parepin is a completely safe and effective agent developed to protect us from bio-terrorism. The Administration is acting purely in the best interests of its citizens; to suggest otherwise was irresponsible and I deeply regret it.
I'm drinking the water. So should you.
Oops! Guess someone got to him. Luckily not enough to where the website was changed into some happy advertisement for Parepin, but I guess goverment cleaners have a lot to do. It's not fair to expect them to sanitize everything.
There is one other oddity that needs to be discussed (since it is pervasive throughout all the sites) and that is the 24.x.x numbers. No one knows what these mean, but the fact that they keep turning up probably means something (unless the PMs are just fooling around with us).
There are two numbers to be gathered from this site. The first is 24.14.3. This is found on the front page, just to the left of The Presense photos (it can be a little hard to pick out on the background). The second is 24.14.2. This one comes counting the dashes from the auto response email. There is also a number on the tshirt that started it all: 24.14.1
Another Version of the Truth |
So thanks to the magic that is reverse DNS, we didn't have to wait around forever to discover a new website naturally. Because that would just be silly.
The main page of http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com is very serene and idyllic. A farmstead with an American flag in the background, proclaiming 'A New Beginning' of zero tolerance and zero fear. 'America Is Born Again' thanks to the US Bureau of Morality. Talk about a nightmare future. It also has a number on it that you can see if you do a control-A: 24.10.8
Luckily, that's not the only thing to this website. If you click on the picture and run the mouse across while holding the button down, you'll 'scrape' off the top layer to reveal a burnt out and devestated farm where we have Zero Hope and Zero Chance for the future. Nifty! Clicking on the words 'Another Version of the Truth' takes you to a fourm with the same funky styling of 'I Want to Believe'.
Topic: End of the World? |
02/10/0000 |
Barnlikr said:
Dude, get off the Parepin
pharlarope said:
Was it an angel? Devil? Alien? God? I don't know. It
was a Presence.
Berne Switzerland wasn’t drugged with Parepin-infused drinking water. And a
couple tourists took this photo in Walensee. |
02/10/0000 |
This kind of shit doesn’t help anyone. This isn’t a UFO board. |
02/10/0000 09:03 |
Virgin Mary in a fucking taco |
02/10/0000 09:56 |
Didn’t you get the memo? Like the song said, Used to be the leader/ now comes
the time to serve/ maybe we show some mercy/ maybe you get what you deserve
I saw it myself, and I can’t stop laughing since. The fucking Presence. Blackest
fucking joke ever. |
Sunset Clause
02/10/0000 11:13 |
Rome, they’re right. Something is coming. I don’t have to convince you, though.
You’ll find out the fucking hard way soon enough.
I’m clean, I’m smart, I’m off Parepin. I don’t use or abuse, I don’t believe in ghosts
or God or aliens. But I saw it. Two days ago, I was getting off shift. It came down
maybe three blocks away. When it was over I had pissed myself and I was
crying like a four years old.
I went through this thing like I was the whole planet and I was us raping the planet
at the same time. Paving over every field and dumping crap in every river.
I worked with this woman and when it was over she was saying it was an angel. I
sure as hell hope not. Whatever it is, it is *coming*. Now. And it is *pissed.* |
02/10/0000 11:15 |
Parepin withdrawal maybe…? Something we haven’t caught or screened yet? |
02/10/0000 11:16 |
I haven't heard of this. |
02/10/0000 12:36 |
[picture of Presense] |
02/10/0000 12:40 |
[picture of Presense] |
02/10/0000 12:54 |
That second picture is a hoax. There was a big thing about it on another board.
The picture’s been touched. |
02/10/0000 13:09 |
A buddy and I were getting our asses kicked by a couple cops after they caught
us tagging a wall. I remember hearing this crack like thunder right overhead. Next
thing I knew, we were all standing there, looking up like baby birds. One of the
cops was crying. We were all shaking.
It was like realizing I’ve spent my hole life underwater and finally looking up and
seeing *real* life on the other side of the surface.
The cops just left us, just forgot about us. But we didn’t notice because we’d
forgotten about them. |
02/10/0000 13:13 |
Same here, Sunset. The first time was a few days ago. I thought it was the
Parepin so I cut it cold turkey, moved to my uncle’s farm for a couple days, said I
had some canvasses I needed to work on in quiet. Then yesterday it happened
We are all so fucked. I’m walking around with a flask of martinis just to make sure
that when it happens, I can offer the Presence a drink before I get bent over the
hood of my car. |
02/10/0000 13:43 |
Don't people on Opal see this shit all the time? |
02/10/0000 13:44 |
What does it look like? Is it fuzzy like that? |
02/10/0000 13:45 |
Am I the only one here who thinks that arguing about what this might be is futile?
People are getting touched by *something*. Something is happening, altering
consciousness, coming down to us all. So what is it? Set aside your bullshit for
a minute.
What is it? God? Avenging angel? Chemical delusion induced by Parepin? Who
the fuck cares? Kiss your girlfriend. So something nice for you mom. Settle
Stop counting on tomorrow. |
Sunset Clause
02/10/0000 13:46 |
In pictures and video it doesn’t come out. But when you’re there, it’s really clear.
Its these two giant arms reaching out of the sky, and they’re real arms and the
hands are shoved into the ground but you can see the knuckles. It sounds crazy. |
02/10/0000 14:06 |
its a hoax you jackasses. another cheesy scare tactic by administration spin
doctors and, as always, it’s working because we are a nation of morons. |
Topic: Acts of Resistance |
02/10/0000 06:50 |
Ha! Some cop got a sandwich and left his window down. I dropped a walkie-talkie
handset in under the seat then followed behind on my CBR750. Every call they
got, I called the joint and told them cops were en route. Fuck they were pissed
when they saw it! I’m still jazzed from the ride!
Good guys go to heaven. Bad guys go to hell. Guys on motorcycles go wherever
they fucking want. |
02/10/0000 07:52 |
These guys play for keeps, asshole. You want to end up in a Gulag? Or dead? |
02/10/0000 09:27 |
This is an act of resistance. |
02/10/0000 09:29 |
Holy Fuck. On the news they’re saying it was post-iranians. |
Pax Harmonica
02/10/0000 09:29 |
Your bright neon CBR might look a little conspicuous next time when they trot out
fucking helicopters with fucking Carolina Moons mounted underneath. Start
invxesting in quick-dry spray paint and get used to a bike with 30 layers of paint
slopped all over it.
Do I need to ask if you took off your plates first? |
02/10/0000 10:31 |
Is that for real? Did anyone watch the game yesterday? |
02/10/0000 10:44 |
It wasn't on the news this morning. |
02/10/0000 10:58 |
Yeah, it’s real. You don’t want to be in Chicago today. This city is locked tighter
than a virgin’s ass. I was in the ER and it was a zoo. They closed the loop for four
hours last night. Someone said cops killed three people in a bar up on North
LaSalle and that someone got pictures with their cell but I haven’t seen them.
That whole area of apartments where the shooter was is completely cordoned off. |
02/10/0000 11:07 |
[picture of military] |
02/10/0000 12:04 |
The news says that they’ve arrested 20 people, which means they’ve rounded up
200. |
02/10/0000 12:15 |
I’m going to see if I can go out and get some pictures or something. |
02/10/0000 12:32 |
Be careful Chicago. |
02/10/0000 12:49 |
This going to make things worse for everyone. This just plays into the hands of
the Nazis at the top. This asshole is no friend of the resistance. |
02/10/0000 13:02 |
I don’t believe in sitting on rooftops picking off people, but sitting around talking
and protesting isn’t going to get us anywhere. |
02/10/0000 13:14 |
Since this thread is usually for acts or resistance, I’m opening another thread to
talk about violent resistance. |
Topic: Cops Murder Muslim Kid |
02/10/0000 12:02 |
This got passed to me—police raided some guy’s home and beat the shit out of
his kid. Check this out and spread the word. People need to know what’s going
Reporter: Police in Michigan today launched a daring daylight raid of a compound of a Muslim cleric, with links to post-Iranian suicide brigades. Joyce Pierson is a spokesperson for the Saginaw Police Department.
Joyce: Our Money for Mullahs[?] program is paying off. We received a tip that a well known Muslim dissident had not only attended services at a mosque in Saginaw, but stayed late to consult the Imam on so-called "charitable fundraising."
Reporter: What that means is really funneling money to terrorists, right Joyce?
Joyce: Well, Peter, that's why we decided to investigate.
Narrator: So the cops are breaking up another dangerous terrorist cell, right? Only there was a kid in the fucking room when the SWAT team busted in. And she was on a cell phone. I got that file. And now, so do you. Here's another version of the truth.
Girl: I don't know. Just watch tv I guess. You can come over if you want, I mean, I'm not gonna do anything <door breaks in> *gasp*
Police: Get down on the floor! Get down! Hands up!
Male: I'm down! I'm down!
Police: One male. Some kid. Looks like the son. Your dad runs a mosque.
Male: He's the Imam.
Police: And we know he's supposed to have a very important meeting today. Who is that with?
Male: I don't know.
Police: We have video of a known radical at the last service, so i'm asking you again: Who was he meeting?
Male: I don't know, asshole.
Police: What did you say? You got something to say to me punk, huh? Say it now! Say it again! Say what you said!
Male: When the fucking Sunday School Strangler went to the church at Plano, nobody arrested his...
Police: You liar! <sounds of beating>
Girl: He didn't do anything! Please, stop!
Police: Hey! Hey, look at me!
Girl: He's...
Police: Shit. Hey, kid! Hey! Can you hear me? One junevile male assulted an officer. (aside) What's the dude? We're gonna need an emt. No hurry.
Reporter:One arab was killed in the raid when he attacked police officers with a knife. Police believe he may have been on drugs.
..--- ....- .-.-.- .---- ----- .-.-.- .----
02/10/0000 13:02 |
I saw this on the news. “Fearless police bring down terrorist cell” or some
equivalent shit. |
Topic: Violent Resistance |
02/10/0000 13:15 |
This is just murder. We have to talk about this. This guy
is a big problem.
Narrator: Test. Test. In the old days, if you shot a goverment spokesman, at least you knew it get on tv. There was more than one media outlet. Like, they competed to cover news. Today, you've gotta start with something the administration has to broadcast. <tv turns on>
Announcer 1: ...go to the top of the sixth. Cubbies are trailing by a run. St. Louis 3, Cubs 2.
Narrator: Step One: Grab as much attention as you can, for as cheap as you can.
Announcer 1: Velch misses up. Fast ball.
Announcer 2: Did you see that commerical we did for the President...
Narrator: Was gonna buy a little helio-something with a remote control, but it was gonna cost me six grand. So, I found a pilot. I offered him 500 bucks to fly a banner. We loaded one saying 'Marry me, Irene'. When he left, I doubled back. I switched it out for one that said 'This Is A Bomb, Fuckheads. Wake The Fuck Up.'
Announcer 1: It looks like some kind of small plane seems to be flying over the stadium. It's showing a message. Maybe a message of love. That is no message of love.
Narrator: Okay, I called the authorities five minutes ago and I told them the pilot was a civilian and if they shoot him down, that'll be on them.
Narrator: Step Two: Deliver the message.
Narrator: I got a job at the park as a beer guy. I needed the money - hey, free beer. Can't pass up anything for free in this country. Free this. I poured beer out six of the mini-keg size, and put in a small explosive charge. I packed each keg with pamphlets saying 'Your Goverment Is Poisoning You'. And latex balloons full of silver nitrate . It's easy to make and cheap as shit. Before the game, I put the special kegs in trash cans all around the upper level. <sounds of explosions and screaming>
Announcer 2: Oh God. It just went up in here. There's glass everywhere! My skin is burning!
Narrator: I rented an apartment on the other side of Waveland Avenue. Made it back in plenty of time to set up my bipod and scope. Used to be a sniper. 105th Airborne Crusaders. Amen!
Announcer 1: Ladies and gentlemen, Wrigley Field has apparently been the victim of a terrorist attack. The important thing is for everyone who can hear my voice to remain calm.
Narrator: Hollow points have stopping power in close, but they give you more air resistance at long range. Less reliable. This range, I use a light 50 and PMG steel jackets. Pricy, but sometimes the cost of liberty is $92 a box.
Narrator: Step Three: Punishment.
Narrator: These people need to know that if they get on camera and they lie to America, they are going to pay a price.
Announcer 2: When we find you guys, as God as my witness...
Announcer 2: Oh Jesus Christ! He's been shot through the head!
Narrator: <tv goes off air> Bible thumpers and suits and thugs who raped and killed America. You're gonna sit there and watch them hump the corpse. The nation that sees them for what they really are is the only things these fuckers really understand and force is the only fucking language they understand. It's not about money. It's not about money. It's not about firepower. It's about finding the will to act. Credit card in a hardware store can make you a hero. You can save america if you have the will.
..--- ....- .-.-.- .---- ----- .-.-.- .....
02/10/0000 13:17 |
This guy is the solution. |
02/10/0000 13:59 |
You think we’re the first generation to be outraged? A single voice has to scream
to be heard. But a crowd of millions drowns out gunfire with a murmur. Be
patient, be relentless, be *good* for Christ’s sake or you’re just like Them. |
02/10/0000 14:33 |
What do you mean patience? We’re being POISONED! Our own government is
lying to us and poisoning us! How are we supposed to patiently educate kids
when the schools are completely controlled?!? You don’t think Vox thought of
that? They’re making BILLIONS and you think they’ll, what, get bored?
We fight. This is an illegal occupation of our own nation. Fighting back is how our
country declared its independence. |
02/10/0000 13:59 |
It’s already done and they are going to link it to the resistance so I think it’s pretty
moot. |
02/10/0000 14:04 |
It’s not moot. Are we going to be defined by the acts of one psycho? This is not
who we are. |
02/10/0000 14:07 |
What are we going to do, have a press conference? |
02/10/0000 14:22 |
Political action isn’t working. You’ve got to hit these fuckers where they hurt. All
your peaceful demonstrations haven’t done diddly squat. |
02/10/0000 14:25 |
Yeah, yeah yeah, Gandhi wouldn’t have succeeded against the Nazis. Political
power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Old story. The question is, who do you
want to be, do you want to be the psycho who shot that guy? You’re responsible
for what you do, even in war.
Non-violent resistance is hard, but it unites people. To quote Biko, “You can blow
out a candle but you can’t blow out a bonfire.” We are never going to be a nation
of lone gunmen. People won’t rally to that. Killing doesn’t work for regular people.
It just scares them into asking for MORE cops, MORE “protection” MORE
“safety.” Look, I get the urge to off these fuckers too, but in the long run it helps
the Admin more than it helps us. Violence begets violence. |
02/10/0000 14:26 |
Sure hope the Big Furry Arms see it your way... |
Topic: Opal/Cocaine |
02/10/0000 00:45 |
Reporter: The DEA announced a crushing victory over Colombian drug cartels. Coorespondent reports a combined military force closed down another drug operation run by the notorious Sanez brothers, long time leaders of the Colombian Drug Cartel and Paramilitary warlords fighting to control central Colombia.
Female: Look, nobody's saying Carlos Sanez's wasn't a complete and utter psychopath, but y'know, I'm here. And you ask people around there and they'll tell you global warming has wiped out Colombian drug trade, not the fucking DEA. Posting this from Meta, Colombia. Here's another version of the truth.
Colombia Woman: (translation) When I was a girl things weren't easy, but now it rains and rains. We haven't even dried the coca leaves and then they left. They say it's because of global warming. Two years ago the river took my brother's house. It took my brother, his wife, my nephew, and the baby girl. We found her covered with mud and when she dried out she resembled ashes. Last year was difficult but the men who buy the coca leaves told us to grow what we could. And we did it and they they took it. We waited and we waited and then finally they told us that they could not pay us. Because nobody wants to buy coca leaves. *baby crying in the background* (talking to it) Shhhhhh... There, there pretty girl. This year the rains returned and we could not grow anything. Now the people say that nobody will buy the coca leaves, it's not worth anything to anyone. In Bogotá, they only want Opal. They buy Opal in the United States and they bring it to Bogotá... Opal.
Female: Here in Colombia, people say nobody even buys coca anymore. It's all Opal. Even in Bogotá, it's Opal. Shipped in from America.
Reporter: Speaking from the compound on Pennsylvania Avenue, a Presidental spokesperson thanked God and the brave soliders of the DEA for this astonishing raid, which he called a 'knock out punch to the already bloody face of the drug lords.'
Female: What a load of bullshit. Your tax dollars at work, America.
..--- ....- .-.-.- .---- ----- .-.-.- ...--
I’m in Meta, Colombia. I know it’s hard to care about people who
make their living off the drug trade, but this is scary just from a global warming
point of view. |
02/10/0000 01:01 |
Opal and religion is the same thing. It’s the new world order, baby. The opiates of
the masses are chemical, melt your butter and give you Jesus. |
02/10/0000 01:01 |
Why does everybody tolerate this shit? Who cares if they kill each other? This
country has enough to worry about with cocaine. |
02/10/0000 02:41 |
Because we created the whole cocaine trade, that’s why. And we just replaced it
with Opal so now we don’t need them anymore. |
02/10/0000 03:32 |
I’ll give you that we created Saddam Hussein. But we did NOT create the cocaine
trade. |
02/10/0000 04:03 |
We didn’t create the cocaine trade the way we propped up Saddam, but if farmers
in Columbia had a way to make a living, they wouldn’t be desperate enough to
farm cocoa. I’ll give you three words. Fair. Trade. Coffee. |
02/10/0000 09:35 |
Notice that Opal showed up just about the time cocaine got hard to get? It’s a
double whammy. Parepin for the law abiders and Parepin and Opal for the rebels.
The administration likes its meat tied up with a bow. Sheep wouldn’t be fucking
sheep if they had claws and could chew a man’s head off. |
02/10/0000 09:38 |
Check out the inbox of “nooneimportant” over on consolidated mail systems.
Looks like someone left the door wide open. |
02/10/0000 13:28 |
Opal puts you in touch with it. I’ve been on the spike for the past four years. I
stole money from my grandma, got caught, did it again anyway, just to cop. For
the last couple months, it’s been too hard so I went to Opal.
I saw the Presence yesterday. At first I knew it was the drug, just gripping me,
you know? And I laughed. Then the Presence turned around, like it was
LOOKING for me.
Then it saw me. FUCK.
I remember the way my parents looked at me after I got arrested hocking my
grandma’s shit. I remember the way the Finest always looked at me, like I was a
worm, just streetgrease. And that was NOTHING compared to what I felt coming
from the Presence. It wasn’t hate exactly, it was like what you feel for a mosquito
right before you splotch it. |
02/10/0000 13:49 |
Dude. Get. Yourself. To. Rehab. |
02/10/0000 13:52 |
I’m clean now and not thinking about scoring. Maybe I’ve only got a little time left
to make up or all the shit I done wrong. |
Topic: In Memoriam |
02/10/0000 08:19 |
I’m QuietContrary’s sister. My brother gave me a letter if anything happened to
him to come here and make sure you know. He said you were the only ones
who’d understand. My brother died yesterday. His name was Vince and he was
22 and I loved him. He was shot while sitting in someone else’s car. The cops
said he was caught stealing it and they’ve arrested the owner.
The guy who shot him said that Vince had been just sitting there staring up at the
sky and crying. He shot him cause he thought Vince had a gun, but it was just a
I think Vince saw the Presence and he couldn’t move. I think he used to steal
cars and shit to try to make something happen. Make *anything* happen. And
this time it did. |
Topic: Missing in Action |
02/10/0000 |
Suyai Abbot, Wilkesbury PA [sic], one anonymous report she was pulled into a white van by two black clad figures walking from the mall to the bus stop. |
02/10/0000 08:58 |
Dylan Chast, Univeristy of South Florida, Sarasota Manatee, may have been at the
Quaker Outreach center on Feb 5, during the raid, is there anyone who was there
earlier and left before the raid who saw him? |
02/10/0000 09:54 |
Kyle Bilgare, Boise Idaho, last seen Feb. 2, maybe around Fork St? |
02/10/0000 11:56 |
I’m fine and just laying low. |
This site actually goes along quite well with iamtryingtobelieve.com. Both are sites trying to get the word out that the government is corrupting/lying/poisoning the country. This site contains more violence though. From listening to an innocent kid being beat to death by the police, to a homegrown terrorist blowing up Wrigley Field, this isn't a website to take your kids to. But then, this is NIN we're talking about. Little kids shouldn't be listening to his stuff anyway.
There are also two more numbers that we can get - if you listen closely. At the end of the mp3s, there is a bit of static that taps out Morse Code fragments. Each of these is another number: - nohurry.mp3: 24.10.1
- ballgameOver.mp3: 24.10.5
- opalo.mp3: 24.10.3
Be the Hammer |
Thanks to the crazy terrorist guy posting on the forums, we got another website: http://www.bethehammer.net
It is better to be a hammer than an anvil.
--St. Dominic
last update 2/2/0000
i kill people.
start there. everything else is posturing.
i killed people in post-iran after we dropped the bomb on tehran. they told me i was protecting america.
this is a war. the government of the united states has declared and is fighting a war against the people of the united states and people all over the world.
i kill people. that’s what war is.
when i say government of the united states is at war with you this is not propaganda. i know because i was them. i was the guy who broke down your door at four AM and did things to you with pliers until we knew the names of your friends.
understand the situation. resistance to this government–in any way--is not an act of free speech or a way to make your voice heard or a chance to impress your friends with your principles. resistance is treason and they will kill you for it.
that will only change if they lose the war. losing a war happens when one side has suffered so much that they no longer have the will to fight. because of parepin and neurochips and fear–especially fear--we are currently losing that will to fight. we are losing the war.
suffering is the point. terror is the point. it is not enough to be willing to die for your country. you must be willing to kill for your country as well. that is what war means.
i kill people. so should you.
Axiom: On Passive Resistance
in the 20th century the war for civil liberties in america was fought against a democratically elected
government under constant pressure from public opinion and a free media.
passive resistance worked in the last war.
this government is not elected. this government controls public opinion. there is no free media.
in this america, passive resistance is suicide.
small town. no jobs. i wanted to matter. i believed what they told me. what did I know back then?
what do you know now?
joined the 105th. saw things.
did things.
came back. joined the police. hunted people like you.
the parepin makes us compliant, but kills aggression. different soldiers get different pills to put it back.
regulars get little blue ones–we call them “die-agra.” blue pills keep you frosty and get your soldier on.
blue pills are fun.
sometimes, if you are very good at your job, they give you red pills. the red ones are called “blisters” or
“bloody mary” or “jerk”
red pills erase the line between killing and fucking. some of the damage is permanent. your family, you
can’t go back once you’ve taken the red pills. they told us that part afterwards.
listen to me
some of the things i remember didn’t happen but i think this one did.
aurora, illinois. night. 5 of us. cell of unregistered muslims with the NVGs so we stayed out of the air,
walked it in sas style. 47 houses on the list. inside the first one–quiet, quiet, like santa claus. the next
part very intimate, sudden and slippery. little gasps and sighs. towelling off and then the next house,
the next, the next, and we don’t stop, never stop until the last house is done, the sun comes up and
our hands are slick, we’re sweating. i came four times
when your door breaks open in the middle of the night, you need to know who is coming through it.
war is a business. they know that. you need to.
Hypothetical: you charge the white house. they gun you down. nobody sees. you are out of the game
for the cost of a bullet.
be expensive.
never stop calculating cost and force. when they execute you, twitch when the needle goes in so the
point breaks off and they have to use two. piss in the elctric chair so they have to pay 2 more dollars
to clean it up.
you can make a difference. a credit card and a hardware store can make you a hero but you have to
use them efficiently.
CARVER: a tool
Hypothetical: you’ve got enough homemade dynamite to blow up one target. which target? Bureau of Morality admin building? Vox broadcast center? Other?
CARVER – Criticality, Accessibility, Recoverability, Vulnerability, Effect,
1. make a list of possible targets. include everything. a military gym counts. an ammunition dump
counts. a government cafeteria counts. be objective. they are.
2. rate every target from 1-10 in each category of the CARVER. “1” is low or minimal consequence.
“10” is highest quality or consequence.
3. add up the scores. note the highest total
4. kill it.
Exercise: your neighborhood
CARVER your neighborhood.
most people are surprised. data centers, comm centers and cafeterias often outscore tank compounds,
small-arms lockers and command bunkers.
you are angry. you are scared. you want to be noticed, you want to kill, you want to die. whatever.
the tool is objective. trust it.
Hypothetical: you walk into a room. your buddy is on the phone, giving up an operation. They have his
kids. he’s trying to lie so they won’t hurt the kids but they won’t catch you either.
you must shoot him in the face.
if you can’t, you were an idiot to get someone else involved.
if you can, you’re just evil.
work alone.
cellular structure is the last war. they have too many ways into the OODA loop. for the foreseeable
future we must be a nation of lone gunmen.
work alone. never stop.
listen to me. i did this. here are some things I know. you should know them too.
hypothetical: a web crawler catches the download of dissident music from a wild-type hotspot in a cafe.
analyzing security video puts you there that day and i pick you up for questioning. you are prepared for
questions about who you know and what you believe. i know that.
instead, i will ask a battery of open-ended questions like “What do you remember from childhood?”
people tend to be visual, auditory or feelings-centred thinkers. i am waiting for you to say, “i remember
the leaves changing colour” or “I remember the crackle of leaves under foot” or “I remember the smell
of leaves burning as I walked to school.”
i have been taught to tune myself to your frequencey by active listening with phrases like “i see what
you mean” or “i hear where you’re coming from” or “i know how you feel.” you will feel like most cops
are pigs but you just click with me. you will become more likely to confide in me.
The Law of Reciprocity
if i’m charging you with murder but offer to get you a cup of coffee, you feel strangely compelled to give
me something in return. if the only thing I want in return is a confession, i might just get it.
The Polygraph
half the parts of a polygraph don’t do anything except make you nervous. if you aren’t nervous enough,
i will accidentally drop a heavy book or coffee mug behind you. i will apologize, then get down to
business. the machine is not the lie detector. i am.
listen to me. listen to me. i’m sitting on a metal folding chair in a catholic church basement. there’s a
liberatadora tied into another one of those cheap chairs, she’s nineteen and righteous and spitting
mad. she’s got a cross hanging on a chain between her tits her name is mallory and she organized a
dance series for young people where certain kinds of politics were a kind of foreplay between the beer
first and the fucking afterwards.
i pull the uniforms out of the room and i get her a paper cup full of non-alcoholic punch. she’s so scared
she can’t stop talking. at first it’s mostly swearing at me. ugly words come out of her pretty mouth like
shit from a flower. i like her but i also think about doing things to her. i don’t talk much because people
will give themselves to you if you wait long enough.
she’s talking about the why now, what she was hoping for. she’s talking about social justice and
equality, she’s talking about things she saw on a mission trip to south america, she’s trying to make me
understand and the thing is i *do* understand. her friends who never left home are too narcotized on
parepin to care but six months away from the water supply has woken her up. she is trying to convince
me, now, the innocence of it is staggering and i want to say They are going to kill you, mallory, if you
don’t shut up, but she can’t stop talking she’s passionate that way.
only time it ever got to me.
finally i told her to shut up that she was dead already that she was going to be stoned that they were
going to pulp her young body with rocks what a waste.
still tied to that chair.
here’s the funny part she made me cut off a lock of her hair I didn’t want to i didn’t want to take out my
knife but tied in that chair she made me do it. and my hand shook. made me swear that i would keep it
always and i did sometimes i stop to touch it while i’m writing this for you the only reason i am telling
you this story is so you understand it’s all a lie i don’t give a damn about you i’m only pretending to care
but you’re dead and i’m going to hell and we will never see each other again.
fuck i don’t know why i bother
This guy is scary. I mean really scary. Psychopath scary. He used to be a member of the 105th Airborne Crusaders. And not just any member, he was an elite member. Was given special drugs to counter the effects of Parepin that made him into the perfect soldier, albeit one that could never be returned to society. He carried out wetwork missions, taking out entire communities in a single night. I don't know if it was burnout or downsizing, but now he's working against the government and giving tips to the general public about how they can fight back too.
Based on the Mallory page, I'm guessing it might be burnout. You wouldn't think such a hardened killer would be so affected by a girl tied to chair waiting to be stoned to death. But he is, and the whole thing seems like an apology to her (not that he would ever admit it).
And for those keeping track, there is one number on the index page: 24.10.7
105th Airborne Crusaders |
So the psychopathic terrorist mentions twice that he was part of the 105th Airborne Crusaders, so if you were clever you could find http://105thairbornecrusaders.com without having to use reverse DNS.
The Unofficial Sanctioned Webpage Dedicated to the 105th Airborne Crusaders
Gladius Invidia Deo
You have reached the 105th Airborne Crusaders, the unofficial sanctioned
webpage dedicated to members of the 105th -- the proudest unit in the service of
protecting and policing God’s green earth.
John Fellstone, MSgt (Ret’d)
Feb 4
I can see it from the roof of my house.
Guys, if this is the end, it’s been an honor.
Officially stood up on a morning in September, -13 BA, the 105th Airborne
Crusaders was part of our nation’s swift answer to the atrocities in Los Angeles.
The unit was formed from those former-Airborne soldiers who felt in their hearts
the call of the Lord in the voice of our great nation’s Commander-in-Chief.
It was a time that called for a new reckoning and a new vision for what the “best
of the best” really meant. It wasn’t just about speed and strength. It was about
finding those men and women who kept a personal relationship with our Savior
the Lord Jesus Christ and allowed the Holy Ghost to guide their rifles true.
After a grueling physical, mental and spiritual selection process, those who
remained were TTY’d first to Fort Campbell, KY, and then on to the eventual
units. For the 105th, we shipped out to a temporary field base on an acreage
donated by the congregation of the New Evangelical
Church of Shepherdsville, KY.
For the first time in our active service, our faith became the sword instead of
just the shield. It was time for the blindfold of justice to fall before the light.
The scales had weighed and the world had been found wanting. The 105th
would be that Sharpened Sword.
Few of the 105th were strangers to combat, most of us having come from active
tours with the 101st Eagles. We shipped out for our first tour as a new unit
without leaving a single REMF behind us -- the good Christians of New
Evangelical would care for the newly constructed Fort Paul during our six
months of vigilance in southern Syria.
But the morning of the birthday of our Savior, Dec 25, Pvt Gordon Shula of
Valentine, NE called out “Stand to! Stand to! Stand to!” and the first incoming
rounds baptized us with blood. Along with Cpl Jill Nasmith, Pvt Shula was killed that
day, taken by the enemies of Jesus Christ in a dead and barren land that
cried out for the justice we tried to bring to an ungrateful people.
Since then, the 105th has seen rotos in Yemen, Chad, Kashmir, former-Iran,
post-Iran and Turkey. For the unit’s bravery in continuing to quash Kashmir
extremists up until the very moment nuclear exchange was confirmed imminent,
the President awarded the 105th the Presidential Unit Citation.
I’ve received a lot of letters over the years that the 105th has been stood up. Below
are a few of the stand-outs, reprinted with permission of the author and state
On Post-Iran
First night on the ground after the Iran decap strike, Lt tagged the section for
night FISH, what we called “going skating” on account of all the nuked sand-glass.
There was still some enemy but since most of them didn’t have bunny suits, their
evil was starting to shine through. The section was a good bunch of boys. Buddy
had your back and God had his so we were in good shape.
But Satan’s got his ways too as every good Christian knows and he can throw
one heck of a wrench in the works. A big fella we called “Badand,” he
had the M60 and was good at getting a beaten patch down PDQ. Pvt Bunde had
point and got out a warning for cover just before the shooting started.
Bunde crawled back, told me Badland was hit. God forgive me but at first I
just nodded because I could still hear the M60 hammering away. Then I realized that
Badland wasn’t firing bursts anymore – he was cycling through the whole belt.
I got over to Badland but saw the blood before I was in position. His belt was
cooking off on auto.
I ripped the disintegrating link to kill the M60 and took stock. Squad fought harder
and God held their rifles true and the firefight was over quickly enough. Badland
had been taken by Satan while prone and firing, so one side of his head and
collarbone was smashed up pretty bad. He was a mess, but bless my boy if he
didn’t smile and say, “Sarge, God has me. You’ve got the patrol.” He passed out
from the pain then and we treated him best we could before evac pulled him out.
I send Bunde out with him and the rest of the section carried on and completed
our mission. We knew it was what Badland would have wanted. But once we got
back, I’m not ashamed to admit that the six of us left got down on our knees and
prayed together and cried together that the Lord would let us have Badland for a
while yet before He saw fit to take him.
CSM told me later that the doc had said he’d never seen a stronger fight on his
table and Badland had won that fight with God’s love and our prayers. Ever since
that day, all off-duty Crusaders report for prayer duty whenever the doc has a
tough case to work on. Together, we stay strong to fight another day.
-- Dave P, MSgt (ret'd)
Never did I see a second sun
Never did my skin touch a land of glass
Never did my rifle point but true
But in a land empty of enemies
Waiting for the tick-tick-tick of the want
A uranium angel
Crying “behold,”
This land that knew fire is yours
Taken from Corruption
To begin anew
-- Cpl Joseph M.
On Kashmir
The loss of Kashmir was a second fall from Eden. The Heathen horde didn’t know
what they had but fought like two thieves fighting over a diamond because they
want to use it to drive a nail.
You boys done us all real proud. You stayed your post until birds were away like
Archangel Michael himself casting the Adversary out of Heaven.
I wasn’t serving then, but those of us who’d already done our bit and retired
were beside you in spirit and those who have gone ahead looked down from
above. You are never alone.
-- Murray S, Maj (ret'd)
On South Africa
Crusaders, knowing your back home thinking of us gives us reason to give thanks
at daily service. The chaos of the world is darkest here. Mammon is everywhere.
We will fight evil to the last man but you tell your kin back home that the fight will
be there soon and it will take a nation like the 105th to cast Satan back into the pit.
--Lt Ramsey R.
In Memoriam
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary the [sic], nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Medals & Citations
Presidental Unit Citation
Yemen Campagin Medal
Chad Campagin Medal
Syria Campagin Medal
Kashmir Campagin Medal
Turkey Campagin Medal
This site is even scarier than the Be the Hammer site. Now I know why they're called Airborne Crusaders - the country has started fighting a holy war and these guys are the first Crusaders. It's like the stuff of nightmares. Reminds me a lot of Passion Play, which may or may not be a coincidence since 42 Entertainment is behind this. Now I know why everyone (who isn't on Parepin) is raging againt the government. I just wonder if I would become an extremist, or if I would stay on Parepin just to forget everything that is happening.
Our seventh number is on the main page: 24.10.6
Consolidated Mail Systems |
If we were all paying attention when guiltfree was talking in the Opal/Cocaine thread at Another Version of the Truth, we would have found another new website (instead of yet again relying on reverse DNS. No one has any patience anymore).
If you just go to http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/, you get forwarded to a page that says 'Citizen Unknown'. Hmm, that isnt' very helpful. But let's not forget what guiltfree actually said: "Check out the inbox of “nooneimportant” over on consolidated mail systems."
By changing 'citizen_unknown' to 'nooneimportant', we find what we were looking for. It almost looks the email was sent from our friendly resident psychopath. How many angry snipers can there be? Maybe a lot considering how messed up the country is.
ANGRY SNIPER sent you this message on Thursday, Feb 10, 0000
Hey man,
I hit the cop who did my sister.
Found this in his pocket.
To: All Officers
Re: Officer Reference Handbook
Opal: opalo, crowbar, doors, dunk, juice, pearl
Opal (hycephamitamyn) Opal is commonly distributred as a black liquid. The most potent and efficent formm [sic] of ingestion is intravenous. Opal conveniently comes in a small glass "I-VIAL" - a 1.5" small glass cylinder about the diameter of a small drinking straw with a red cap on each end. Removing the cap on one end reveals a ready-to-insert 1/4" sterile needle, the other end reveals a trigger to release the pressurized contents directly into the bloodstream.
In middle and upper class populations, users drop or inject into the eye. This temporarily turns the whites of the eye black.
Although most Opal users are standard drug abusers, a sizalbe minority feel that the drug produces a special, quasi-religious experience.
Opal is an extraordinary visionary awakener. It is not a recreational drug. It produces a profoundly introspective state of awareness that is useful for mediation, comtemplation, and self-reflection. Its effects are unique and cannot be compared with the effects of other drugs. In the right setting, if you are prepared, Opal is a shamanistic drug that will broaden your mind so you can experience a bigger totality of experience. Occasionally, opal users will experience the dark side of that totality and feel the rape of Gaia from man's greed and short-sightedness. Users have reported that they felt diseased. Or that they felt the presense of a larger being, holding them accountable for the sins of humanity against the planet"
Opal can produce euphoric and hallucinogenic effects. In addition, it may generate many of the same toxic effects seen with other stimulants such as cocaine. Many US emergency departments (EDs) now treat as many opal-intoxicated patients as methamphetamine-intoxicated or cocaine-intoxicated patients. Changes in mood, excitation, motor movements, sensory perception, and appetite appear to be mediated by central dopaminergic alterations. Serotonin alterations contribute to the amphetamine-related mood changes and psychotic behavor. Organic compounds simulating limbic centers cause dream-like hallucinations.
OC spray = no effect. lethal = yes if blahblahblah
allison[?] said taser caused perp to break his back. Hmm!
From: Opalescent Haze, as "underground" user site that has been allowed to run to provide law enforcment with a resource to identify users. Like heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine users, opal users are a naturally self-limiting population regulated primarily by disease, overdose and the toxic affects of life style and drug abuse. Most will probably either 'get clean' in about five to ten years or dies. However, since they are obviously guilty of drug abuse and subservise browsing, users from the site can usually be coerced into providing intelligence and information on other users and criminals they are in contact with.
So is Opal really the cause of everyone seeing The Presense? Or are they just throwing that in there in order to give it an explanation. 'If someone sees The Presense, they must be on drugs.' I'm guessing the later since the authorities don't seem to have any trouble manufacturing evidence to suit their needs.
If you try clicking on any of the buttons on the page, you get an error message that contains another number.
WARNING CODE 24.10.4 (All page functionality disabled): You are not the citizen assigned to this account. Close this window immediately and stay where you are. Authorities will be in contact shortly for appropriate reeducation.
I love that even simple email hacking brings the cops running to your door. Wonder if we can use that to our advantage one day.
On a side note, the Opalescent Haze site that is mentioned in the footnote is a fansite and is not at all associated with the larger Year Zero game. It's pretty obvious now, but I guess when it was first found, it was a little difficult to tell.
Church of Plano |
The last site we got from our initial DNS sniffing was http://www.churchofplano.com. It was mentioned in passing during the nohurry.mp3 (with the Sunday School Strangler. I think that's gonna be the name of my next band.)
The Glory of God,
The Preeminence of Scripture
This Week's Sermons:
Sunday, February 13
Morning Sermon: "Whoever Resists the Authority Resists God"
Evening Sermon: "He Shall Wash His Feet in the Blood of the Wicket"
News & Events
Dealing with The Presense
Daily Prayer Vigils
What is the “Presence”? Is it of God or of the Devil? How does it relate to
the End Times? And closer to home, how can we understand the Chapman family
tragedy? Was Bill Chapman in his right mind last week, and why did he react as
he did to experiencing this Presence?
In times of turmoil, God’s faithful turn to Him. Join other believers for prayer, dis-
cussion, and fellowship as we seek God’s guidance. We will also be taking up
collections for ten-year-old Tyler Chapman and the Barnet family, who have taken
him in.
Pastoral staff will be present to answer questions.
Individuals who feel they have had “experiences” with the Presence are strongly
encouraged to contact Pastor Johnson directly for prayer support and one-on-one
When: Monday through Friday
7:30am-10:00am & 5:00pm-7:30pm
Where: Special Saturday Meeting, 12:00pm-6:00pm
Fellowship Hall
Prayer Requests
Tyler Chapman – that God would give him peace
the Barnetts – that God would give them strength
our Nation – that God would strengthen our faith and
protect us from bloodshed
This Week's Sermon: Sunday February 13
Morning Sermon: "Modern Authority, Part 4: Whoever Resists the Authority Resists God" - Romans 13:1-7
Pastor Johnson concludes our four-part study of dealing with authority in the
modern world. In his letter to the Romans, Paul gave enduring wisdom about the
Believer’s relationship with civil authority. Come learn what God’s Word says
about “civil disobedience,” taxes, and other important issues.
Evening Sermon: "He Shall Wash His Feet in the Blood of the Wicked" - Psalm 58
Pastor Green continues our journey through the Psalms as we explore the vivid
imagery and holy anger of Psalm 58. In trying times, God’s people can say with
confidence, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely He is God who
judges in the earth.”
Ongoing Events
Volunteer for Neighborhood Cleansing with the PFCP
Are you one of Plano’s Faithful? Keep our streets safe and our families protected
by volunteering for Neighborhood Cleansing with the auxiliary corps of the formi-
dable Plano’s Faithful Civil Patrol. This is an exciting opportunity to put your faith
into action!
To participate, you must be:
- a registered congregant
- male
- between the ages of 18 and 40
and physically fit
Dress in comfortable clothing, including safe walking footwear (like police service
boots or comfortable light hiking boots) and a hat.
Note: We will be extending our Neighborhood Cleansing hours due to recent
events. Extra volunteers are needed.
Saturday Thift Sale Cancelled
Our weekly thrift sale will be replaced by a special afternoon meeting to discuss
the Presence, answer questions, and pray for those who have suffered since its
FECP Elementary recognized as one of the top schools in the nation
FECP continues its mission to “Educate Hearts and Minds,” and the recently
released Schools Index ranks our elementary school as one of the top 20 schools
in the country. Consider this:
- 12 of the top 20 schools are fully operated by the New Evangelical Church.
- 6 of the top 20 schools are heavily subsidized by NEC congregations.
- Only 4 of the top 20 schools are public schools.
First Evangelical Church of Plano is associated with:
- FECP Daycare
- FECP Elementary
- FECP High School
- FECP Work Program
- Plano's Faithful Civil Patrol
- First Evangelical Hospital
Join FECP Today!
Members of our growing congregation enjoy many benefits, including
- Fellowship with others believers;
- Excellent Christian instruction from our pastroal and educational staff;
- Reduced tutition at FECP schools and daycare;
- Regular checkups and priority admission at First Evangelical Hospital;
- Enhanced protection from the celebrated Plano's Faithful Civil Patrol;
- Access to watch lists of sex offencers, violent criminals, terrorist cells, and social agitators;
- And the best potluck dinnersin Plano!
We are a Sola Scripture congregation
You know, I think this is the scariest of the sites we've seen so far. Did you actually see the logo for the Plano's Faithful Civil Patrol? It's a gun with a cross sticking out of the barrel! And the sermons! If you aren't a member of the Christian pod people, you're damned to hell!
Of course, you can technically read Bible passages any way you want to. 'Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.' could be read by people like me to mean that the powers that the country is fighting are also ordained by God and therefore we shouldn't be fighting them. Or 'Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge uprightly among men? No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth.' could be read as 'you're making up reasons to destroy stuff in the name of good, so leave it to God to do the punishing'. It's probably why I never really understood religion or at least the appeal of it. Too many people use it as a justification to do things that under any other circumstance would seem cruel, wrong, and just plain evil. Hmm, now that I think about it, I guess that's the appeal right there, huh? Well, enough of my religion bashing. Let's discuss the website some.
Reading between the lines, it seems that Bill Chapman might be our Sunday School Strangler and that people are blaming his rampage on The Presence. I wonder if they are also going to say that he was on Opal when he did it.
That seems to be about it for this website, except for we got another number: 24.10.2
My Violent Heart |
So it appears that during a Lisbon NIN show, someone hid a thumbdrive in a bathroom stall there. Kinda gross. I'm not entirely sure I would pick up a thumbdrive that had been laying near a toilet during/after a concert. People are messy!
On the thumbdrive was a copy of My Violent Heart. If you look at the comments on it, it says "found in men's bathroom, stall 4, coliseum, lisbon, portugal / another version of the truth .com / dig / 24.3.2" (at least I believe this wasn't just added to the file). At the end of the mp3, there is some static. galoot3000 discovered if you put this static through a spectrograph, you see an image of The Presence.
For everyone who wants to know how to do this themselves, here is one method:
- Using Audacity, trim the static from the My Violent Heart mp3.
- Save the static-only file as an OOG or WAV.
- Open SpectrumPlayer and run your created file through to produce the spectrograph.
At the same time, there was a new Tour shirt released with some highlighted numbers on the back, along with a number: 24.15.1. The highlighted numbers spelled out a phone number (1-310-295-1040) that led to an audio clip when called.
Reporter: There you have it. The latest Presidental Address. America is born again. In this reporter's opinion, a brillant values-based vision of the future.
Male: Honest to god. Once they ended free elections, I figured they wouldn't have to hear this self-righteous motherfucker give any more speeches. He must just like doing it. 'America is born again.' Maybe that was a values-based vision of the future. Maybe it was the same old Manifest Destiny bullshit. Or, another way to put it by an old friend:
Song: I got my propaganda
I got revisionism
I got my violence
In hi-def ultra-realism
All a part of this great nation
I got my fist
I got my plan
I got survivalism
Male: Still no formal charges. Listen people. I know you're out there and you're angry and you're scared of going to jail. Here's the bad news. The prison came to you my friend. The bars are all around you. You're already a criminal. Fucking act like it.
Static: ..--- ....- .-.-.- .---- ..... .-.-.- ..---
We can now add two more numbers to the list: 24.3.2 and 24.15.2
Year Zero and The Hobbit |
Amid all the lines and funky colored blocks on the Year Zero sites, there has been a bunch of backward letters cropping up in places. Over on the echothesound board, morethanshapes managed to piece all the various bits together into a semi-recognizable state. The text is taken from The Hobbit, specifically from Chapter Two.
For your hospitality our sincerest thanks, and for your offer of
professional assistance our grateful acceptance. Terms: cash on
delivery, up to and not exceeding one fourteenth of total profits (if
any); all traveling expenses guaranteed in any event; funeral expenses
to be defrayed by us or our representatives, if occasion arises and the
matter is not otherwise arranged for.
So what do The Hobbit and Year Zero have in common? Is this tied in with the new Tolkien book coming out next month? (A girl can dream, can't she?) Or is The Hobbit one of the only books they can still read in the future? Or maybe the webpages are coming to us through some libray network and its overlaying scans of old burnt books onto the webpages. Will we ever find out?
Me, I'm Not |
There were a bunch of people speculating that The Hobbit passage referred to Bilbo which is pronouced the same as Bilbao, Spain, and that the next clue would be found there. The next clue was found in Spain, but it was in Barcelona. Grinwithoutacat from the (member-only) Spiral forums found a pen drive with the mp3 on it. It actually contained two mp3: Me, I'm Not and 2432.mp3
The 2432.mp3 sounds a bit like crickets chirping. Really annoying crickets. If you run it through a spectrograph, around the 2 minute mark all the sounds line up to form the image of a phone number: 216.333.1810
Computer: U.S. Wiretap. Case identifier 71839J. File accessed. Begin playback.
*phone rings*
Robbi: Hello?
Mia: Robbi? Robbi? Robbi, are you there?
Robbi: Mia?
Mia: Oh my god, I'm at the club, you need to get me out of here.
Robbi: Mia? What the hell?
Mia: I'm gonna... I'm going to die, oh my God, I'm going to die. No!
Robbi: Mia, what's going on?
Mia: He killed Joey so I locked myself in the stock room and now I can't get out and everybody's got it.
Robbi: Shh... What is going on? Mia?
Mia: This guy, he came into the club really freaked out. And we-we didn't even see the knife. And his shirt was soaked red. And Joey <audio cuts in and out> And then he just stabbed him, and he was sweating blood, and screaming, and he wouldn't stop until somebody killed him with a beer bottle.
Robbi: Honey, okay wait. Hold on. I'm going to call the cops.
Mia: They're outside, they're outside!
Robbi: I'm gonna call the cops right now!
Mia: Don't, the cops are already here! They're the ones who locked us in.
Robbi: What?
Mia: I've gotta fight, I need a weapon...a gun.
Robbi: You're going to be okay, you're going to make it out of there. I'll be up there in five minutes. Mia, you okay? Mia?!
Mia: Robbi, there's blood coming out of my skin...
Robbi: Mia, listen. Calm down...
Mia: Robbi, I need you to take care of my dog. Okay, the-the food.. *screams*
Robbi: Mia! Mia!
Mia: Robbi!
Robbi: Mia! what's going on?!
Mia: Get the hell out of here!
Robbi: Mia, stop and tell me what's going on!
Mia: Oh my God, please. Help me, please, God.
Robbi: Mia! Mia! What is going on?!
Mia: Robbi! Please, God!
Robbi: Mia! Mia!
Phone hangs up
Very faint Morse Code static
Computer: Goodbye.
Over on the NinWiki, they've come to the conclusion that the static decodes to 24.3.1. To me, it sounds closer to 24.3.6, but who knows. It could be the same number thats in the ID3 tag: 24.3.3. What we do know is that the audio leads us to another website: US Wiretap
US Wiretap |
US Wiretap is Big Brother on steroids. Together with the Bureau of Morality, they aim to keep you on the straight and narrow by making sure that if you break the law, they know about it and can take appropriate action. At least that's what I glean from the fairly blank homepage.
Looking at the keywords of the site, you can find '71839J' which is also the case number of the Roby/Mia convo. That sounds like it will get us somewhere (especially when you realize that http://www.uswiretap.com forwards you to http://www.uswiretap.com/case_number_required/). Putting in our case number takes us to http://www.uswiretap.com/71839J/
CASE NO. 71839J
Date Obtained: Feb 9th, 0000
Recorded Phone Conversation
available for review at 216-333-1810
Incident Report – Supplemental
(added from Homeland Defense files per the reciprocal filesharing protocols mandated in the Document Sharing and Profiling Act)
Bureau Agent: T.C. Sikes
Interviewing: Police Sgt. Jeff Slanski
Profile on SLANSKI:
Born: March 12, 1986 Height: 6’0” Worship: New Evangelical
Converted from Catholic. Conversion
probably pragmatically motivated, with
eye to career advancement.
Good morning, Officer Slanski. My name is Claire Sikes. I’m with the Feds, and they have yanked me out of my cozy bed to wrap up this mess.
Mess? I guess that’s one word for it.
OK, let’s just step through the formalities.
That’s not an FBI badge.
No, it’s not. Officer Slanski, do you understand that this is an official inquiry into events surrounding the terrorist incident on the seventh of February?
I do.
And do you understand that what you say today is held to be under the force of oath, and any deviations from the truth will constitute perjury and be punishable as such?
Do I need a lawyer here, or a union rep?
Do you understand?
I do.
So. February seventh.
I was walking my beat—
Walking? Isn’t there a civilian patrol for that?
I like to do it myself every few days. People will tell you stuff if they know you.
Very commendable I’m sure.
I got a 10-48 to the Star Chamber so I got there as fast as I could.
Star Chamber?
That’s what they call the building. They used to print the Star out of there, back when there were newspapers.
But the building is empty now.
And locals call it the Star Chamber.
(no response)
Officer Slanski? You seem to be taking a long time to answer the question.
I’m trying to guess how much you know already.
I know.
Why don’t you assume I know everything, and go from there? It will save time.
No, it’s just called the Star Building. But underground, where the printing presses used to be, there’s a big open space. That’s the Star Chamber.
Which is a ...nightclub?
It’s just a place. Sometimes people get together there. Sometimes they play some music. It’s not very organized, as far as I know.
As far as you know? I would think it would be your job to find out exactly how organized it was.
I guess I’m not a very good cop.
Actually, you know, I was looking at the stats for your districts. Over the last eight years, when you have been shift boss, districts under your supervision have consistently reported violent crime rates 15 to 20 percent below comparable districts matched by demo-profiles.
There’s good people in the district.
Curiously, your districts also consistently under-report violations of the Freedom Act.
It’s pretty sleepy out here.
Criminal speech, negligent morale, that sort of thing.
People just want to watch TV.
The difference is, citizens tend to report violent crime, whereas usually law enforcement officers are driving Freedom Act investigations. But you don’t have much of an arrest record on that score.
There’s a lot of law-abiding folks in my district. Just bad luck, I guess.
(no response)
(no response)
Did you know any of the dead?
The dead. There were 112 people locked in an underground nightclub you permitted to operate in your district. They were murdered over the course of 2 days, hunted down and torn to bloody pieces. I’m asking if you knew any of them.
Do you find yourself wondering if they would have been alive if you had shut that place down? I mean, if I was you, that’d be all I could think about.
(no response)
You answered the 10-48 and went immediately to the Star Chamber.
When I got there a couple of feds were already stringing quarantine tape.
Could you hear anything?
Screams. Screaming and yelling. People beating on the doors, but the feds had already padlocked all the doors.
By Feds you mean people like me.
What was your role?
Crowd control. Some phone calls got out. We had people showing up trying to get into the Star building.
And your job was to keep them back.
People had kids in there. Brothers and sisters.
And according to these notes, you did your job very well.
It wasn’t my wife or kid dying in there.
But you were “sick about the fucking feds and you wanted to kill someone.”
The psychologist? You have a bug in the fucking office of the police psychologist?
Don’t be paranoid, Officer Slanski. The psychologist turned over her records voluntarily.
Of course she did.
Apparently she isn’t as willing to look the other way as you are when it comes to subversive thoughts. About some things, maybe—but in the face of a terrorist incident which had just taken the lives of 112 Americans....
’m not a fucking politician. I just said it made me sick to hear those people in there. There wasn’t anything we could have done? I can’t believe there wasn’t anything.
(no response)
(no response)
Two days later you were called back to the scene. Describe what happened then.
You know what happened.
Yes, but I’m very thorough, so I’d like to hear you tell it. Tell me what happened yesterday.
Crowd control again. A bunch of guys in bunny suits went into the building with some very serious equipment.
What kind of equipment?
I don’t know. Flamethrowers and shit.
And then?
Then nothing. That’s it.
(no response)
There was an agent.
Like you. Same badges.
And that’s it. She ran the clean-up. Went inside, saw what she came to see I assume, pulled out the decon unit and left.
Not quite like me.
Listen, I really don’t need to know anything here. I’m not a great cop but I like the job, I like the guys, I like my family.
Yes. I have pictures of your little girl. Would you like to see them?
(no response)
I like this one the best. She looks adorable.
(No response)
The other agent wasn’t quite like me.
I wasn’t trying anything. I was just being polite, I just opened the car door for christ’s sake.
(no response)
She smelled strange. Coppery. She brushed by me as she got in the car and it was like I had a penny
in my mouth just for a second.
Anything else?
(no response)
Jeff, I can’t help you if you aren’t 100 percent—
She was crying.
But that wasn’t the strange part.
And her tears were orange.
That’s right, they were.
I didn’t mean to see that!
I know.
And, I’m sorry.
||||| END OF FILE |||||
Wow, something really funky went down at the Star Chamber. Sounds like there might have been some sort of biological or chemical contamination of the site - one that the Government was responsible for since they are trying to cover it up. Whatever it was, it seems that freaked out guy who came into the club infected everyone else there. That's why Mia's skin is hemmoraging blood. The Feds then come in and torch the place. I somehow get the feeling that they were the ones that hunted down and murdered the 112 people still in the Star Chamber. Either that or maybe the 'substance' turned people into zmobies and they started hunting each other.
The curious bit for me is the Agent that Slanksi saw. Was she another victim by whatever took place in there? Or is she some sort of altered human that the government doesn't want anyone to know about. Either way, you know Slankski isn't getting out of that interrogation room alive. Poor guy. Hope they give his daughter a least a good story about how he died.
For those keeping track, this site also has a number: 24.3.3
There is also some hidden text in the background image of US Wiretap. This time it's from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five. "It looked a lot like Dayton, Ohio, more open spaces than Dayton has. There must be tons of human bone meal in the ground."
Art Is Resistance |
During the Paris shows, a red flyer
was passed out pointing to a new website: http://www.artisresistance.com There is also a number here if you count the small horizontal lines just to the right of the T at the top of the page: 24.13.2
Be forewarned: the Bureau of Morality does not like you looking at this website and will give you a huge red beeping warning that continuing to view the site will result in citizenship privileges, including your licences for marriage, worship, business, and child-bearing. You need a license to worship?! What's next? A license to breathe?
By viewing this site, you are in direct violation of the Federal
Orderly Conduct Act (Section 24.13.1).
The perpetrator of this site has been imprisoned for agitation, subversion,
and disseminating anti-American propaganda.
Do NOT deface public property.
Do NOT continue viewing subversive documents.
Continuing to view this material will result in the loss of citizenship
increments. This may affect your ability to drive, to cross state lines, to
hold certain kinds of jobs, and to obtain various compulsory licenses (e.g.
marriage, worship, business, child-bearing).
You may continue to examine this page:
1) for research, crime prevention, or pedagogical purposes only, and
2) if and only if you have an appropriate license from the Bureau of Morality.
Here is one thing the Government wants you to forget.
Art is witness. When the government wiretaps and spies on its own
people, people become afraid to speak the truth.
The artist shows what everyone is thinking. The government wants
people to feel isolated and alone. A stencil in a public place says,
The government wants you to think you are powerless to act.
This doesn’t mean it’s easy. This doesn’t mean no one died. But
governments cannot survive shame. A government can jail people,
deny them votes and power, but when a million people no longer
believe in that government, it will tremble. That million will breed
another million and some of them will be judges and soldiers and
cops. A house divided cannot stand.
If the American people stop believing in this administration,
it WILL fall.
Art is Resistance Here are some Tools
Get good high-tack stickers at a stationery store and copy or print your design onto
THEM. What are you, Un-American?
Download Stickers
Large-format printers are a bitch to get cheap or discreetly. If you Know a Guy Who
Knows a Guy, try it but you’re taking a chance. You can make a small design and
blow it up with a projector to transfer one-offs. Silk screening is good quality but if
you don’t know what you’re doing, all that paint you’re slopping on your floor and
shoes = evidence.
Download Posters
Use only flat spray paint but don’t let wet paint dry up on the stencil. If you’re doing
multiple colors, let each color dry before the next. If they’re big enough, mount the
stencils with a light mist of spray adhesive. Mmmm, sweet chemical goodness.
Don’t breathe that shit in, Darwin.
Download Stencil Layer 1
Download Stencil Layer 2
BONUS: I happen to live where it rains a lot.
Fact: if you use hairspray like spraypaint, the design is invisible until it rains, at
which point it fades into existence, fading out again when the concrete dries. Not
that I’ve ever done it.
Select the volume/application/folder/whatever. Open the Properties or hit Get Info.
If you have an icon/image already selected, you can paste that over the image of
the icon you’re changing. Otherwise click <Customize> and <Change Icon>
and browse to find the file that has the icon you want. Close it all up, accepting all
Download Mac Icon
Download Windows Icon
Open the Display in either the Control Panel or System Preferences. Almost
anything will work -- .bmp, .jpg, .dib, .png, .htm. See what you can do but
remember – keep it to yourself otherwise you’re putting up a sign that says “I’m with
Stupid” and an arrow pointing to you. Either Browse for the image you want or drag
‘n’ drop the image. You <Center> it, <Tile> it or <Stretch> it. Small images will
look jagged or pixilated. Close it on up.
Download Desktop Image 1024x768
Download Desktop Image 800x600
Download Desktop Image 1024x768
Download Desktop Image 800x600
Download Desktop Image 1024x768
Download Desktop Image 800x600
For use with your favorite resistance forum.
Download Avatar
Topic: Artist Behind Air Goes Missing |
02/03/0000 01:12 |
Did you hear what happened to AIR? Apparently he was The Civilians. Anyway,
they disappeared him. |
02/03/0000 01:46 |
what’s The Civilians? |
02/03/0000 03:00 |
This guy in Seattle was stenciling the outline of an Iranian civilian in a different
place every day with the caption 20 million dead. |
02/03/0000 03:21 |
so he got himself thrown in some anonymous jail for 20 years for coloring outside
the lines? What a moron. |
02/03/0000 04:12 |
Aww, is the widdle boy scaredy of the bad mans in charge? Post again after you
grow a set, whosjack. |
02/03/0000 06:22 |
You think spray painting shit is going to make a fucking difference? All this art
crap might make you feel better, but the cops are laughing their asses off as they
haul you to jail. You want to make a difference, switch from .38 to .45, assholes. |
02/03/0000 09:31 |
Shit, should we find someone else to pick up AIR? I disagree with TheWarden,
this is one way to have power without just making everything worse. |
02/03/0000 09:37 |
Go fucking drink lattes and sit in your basement and listen to music and think
you’re doing something while the fucking world ends around you, faggot. |
02/03/0000 10:58 |
Every time you fuckers blow something up or shoot somebody, people get scared.
And you know what they do when they get scared? They give up a little more
freedom for a little more protection. You fuckers are the problem, not the solution. |
02/03/0000 11:04 |
Jesus, I just wanted to tell you guys AIR is flatlined, not start WW4.
One thing about jail: lotsa wallspace. |
02/03/0000 11:49 |
youre dead, and you, and you, and you. but at least youll have pretty pictures to
look at while you bleed out from the massive beatings youll get from postmil
psycho cops. |
02/03/0000 12:02 |
When I was 17 my bf & me went to this show at a flashclub, this local band, not
great but loud, you know, and rumored to be very real, very Resistance with a
capital R. We didn’t have the money for Opal but some guys brought beer and
there was some meth and like that. After the show got out a bunch of us were like
FUCK THE GOVERNMENT! In the streets and there was this guy walking into a
parking lot beside the gig. Very suit and tie, some corporate type working late
late late at the office. He sees us and he starts walking faster. So I walk faster.
And the guys with me come too. And we’re laughing. He goes faster. Someone
says, “Hey, man! That’s a nice tie!” He breaks into a run like he thinks we’re
gonna beat the shit out of him and we start running after him and fuck if we’d
caught him maybe we would. So he jumps into his car and we come running up
and I just banged the trunk with my hand. He gunned the car the wrong way
out of the parking lot, over the Severe Tire Damage spikes, but he was going so
fast he just spun out into the road, right into this tanker truck.
The truck kind of climbed over the car. Smashed it like an egg—front windshield
just blew out like a grenade had gone off.
And we ran. We didn’t run to the accident to see if he was okay. We were just
scared of getting caught.
That night it was on the news, the guy was a vice president of some local
company and he had a wife and two kids and he volunteered for some local
animal thing. I think it was a rescue group for abandoned Labrador retrievers.
Anyway, a couple of people saw him being chased, but they didn’t have footage.
I was sitting there on the couch with my mom and she said, “there’s some poor
guy holding down a job, has to work late, he’s got a wife and two kids and maybe
one needs braces and probably his mom is in a nursing home and that isn’t
cheap. And a bunch of kids who have the time and free money to wander around
at night and scare the shit out of people think its funny to give him a hard time.
Wonder if they’re gonna show up at his kids’ school play?” And my dad says,
“I’m sure they’ll take a shift over at the nursing home.” And it’s not like they
were stupid and mad and didn’t get it. They were just full of this really grown
up weary contempt. And they were absolutely right. Absolutely right.
Talking about a revolution is really fun. Some people here make it sound like
killing people is really fun. It isn’t.
It makes it easy for you to think that the cops and the bankers and the soldiers
are all Them. They aren’t. They’re us, too. |
02/03/0000 12:03 |
When has she ever posted before? She’s a fucking government plant. |
02/03/0000 12:07 |
parrotface said:
When has she ever posted before? She’s a fucking
government plant.
The government doxesn’t need plants as long as we do shit like this to ourselves. |
02/03/0000 12:13 |
Thank you, Philomela. I always knew it, but I couldn’t put it into words. |
02/03/0000 12:14 |
One thing I hate about so many threads on AVT is all the fucking posturing. “I’m
one bad-ass motherfucker.”
Violent resistance is shit because the conversion factor between imagining killing
imaginary people and actually killing actual people = infinite.
Make art, not corpses. |
02/03/0000 13:27 |
That’s it, kiddies. Drink the water. |
02/03/0000 14:14 |
b. Jan 10, 1967
d. Apr 19, 1995
My mom.
Explain it to me, Warden. |
AVT003 (Mod)
02/03/0000 23:14 |
Thread closed. Moved to archive |
So what have we learned? AIR is an organization that promotes peaceful resistance, although I'm not sure the government sees it that way considering they've arrested the founder of the site. But luckily the website is still up so we can get our hands on all sorts of art to rage against the government. This is the second site that's been left up since the owner has been gotten to. And this one has that big annoying warning telling us we're being monitored. I wonder if they left everything up as a honeypot to see who comes back to get some goodies.
We also get to see an 'archived' page of Another Version of the Truth. Wonder how many other pages are archived and thus hidden from view? Besides the tragic story from Philomela, we also learn that soonerlater's mom was killed in the Oklahoma City Bombing. I'm guessing if anyone on the 'outside' has a strong opinion about what terrorist/resistance fighting does, it's soonerlater. Also, based one of CazazzaKid's posts, WW3 has (or is) taken place. It probably was the conflict that created Post-Iran and this militant theocracy everyone is stuck in.
Oh, and in case you missed it while searching for the volume to get rid of that hideous noise, there was a number in the warning page: 24.13.1
Presence Video |
On the main website for Year Zero, a teaser trailer showed up that contains a picture of The Presence. The video starts off nice enough. Someone video taping out of a car window as they drive down some road. A blue road sign flashes by that just happens to read 'I Am Trying to Believe'. Then The Presence shows up, and the video starts getting all staticy before cuts out all together. This is only the 4 finger version of The Presence. I wonder if it has something like the Fujita Scale. Of course, I'm not sure which would be worse, a 5 fingered Presence or a 1 fingered.
Besides some relatively decent pictures of The Presence, there is also a hidden bit in the static around the 12 second mark. If you pause it in the correct spot, you'll see it says /0024 on the left side of the picture. That leads us to http://yearzero.nin.com/0024/ where we get a really good look at the 4 Fingered Presence.
Hollywood In Memoriam |
Another USB stick was found during the Manchester concert. This time around, we got a copy of In This Twilight and a picture file. The picture has a shot of the Hollywood sign with the words 'In Memoriam' written underneath. This points us to yet a new website: http://www.hollywoodinmemoriam.com.
The first dirty bomb went off at the Kodak Theater during the 81st Annual Academy Awards Ceremony. Over the next half hour, eight more dirty bombs deployed by Islamic extremists spread a pall of radioactive dust across Greater LA. Three days later a Presidential order required the entire city to be evacuated.
The City of Angels had becoxme a city of ghosts.
This site is dedicated to the people of Los Angeles who lost their homes, their loved ones, and their lives in Hollywood's
last fade to black.
Gerry Wier - Please come home
Katie, Billy and Yours Truly miss you
Love Mary XOXO
Gerry Wier, we are being relocated to Flagstaff. Follow us there.
Vernon Hartl missing since two days after the bombing. Rescue worker. Reports he might have been last seen in Gardena area. Reward for any information.
I <3 U
-- Sis
We are looking for Adyinka Oluwafemi from Niger. We know she was in Los Angeles but we do not know where our daughter was during the bombs or if she is all right. Please tell her to contact her family or the Red Cross
My parents worked for E! so they died right away. I was 15 and had two little brothers, Davis and Bentall. I tried to be both a Mom and a Dad to them, but I didn’t do as good as I had hoped. I really tried. Bentall’s been in juvie for the last 15 months for stabbing some other kid.
He won’t talk to me if I try to visit him. Davis killed himself last year. He didn’t leave a note. I think I’m the note.
My dad was an usher at the Awards. I was in a plane dropping daisy cutters on Tehran. Whose laughing now, motherf***ers?
Tran Cao Hai, missing little finger of right hand. Last seen wearing brown leather jacket and jeans. Was on motorcycle.
Lisa Gadi we are going to shelter in Las Vegas, meet us there if you see this note. Mom, Dad and Michael.
Valencia Yvonne Ledger last seen wearing Girl Scout uniform in front of CVS.
Carlos Sanchez, visto más reciente caminando a su lugar de trabajo. Es paisajista en Culver City. No lee ni escribe. Si lo vea, por favor añada su información al Departamento de Personas Perdidas a su Red Cross.
My mom’s legs swelled up and her teeth started falling out. She got lymphoma and she broke all the mirrors in the house so she wouldn’t see herself. She was so scared of dying, right to the end she was terrified. Every year I have to go for tests. Each year, the week between when I do all the tests and when I get the results I re-read The Stand (I don’t know why, I just always do) and I worry.
My brother Rafael was missing for two days and Karen Schaffer, a rescue worker, found him. They both had leukemia from the radiation. Rafael is great today, but Karen died. You are always a member of our family. Angel Wings. All rescuers, you have angel wings.
The first baby was born dead. The second should have been. I told Sheri it wasn’t her fault but she killed herself last week. I don’t know what to do.
Acocella, Judy 39 worked for travel agency in Lynwood area. Serious fan of movie stars, may have been watching people arrive at Oscars. If anyone knows any information, please pass contact her sister.
Pankaj Gupta has gold bracelet with malachite stone and has mole on right shoulder. Did not report for work after vacation and believed to be in Los Angeles at time of attack. Please forward info to Red Cross.
Missing: Linda Blair
Diabetic. She Needs Insilin.
Miranda was at a playdate. I was stoned. When I heard about the bombs I panicked and I got
on the freeway for Palm Springs instead of going back for her right away. I turned around after about
20 minutes but by then nothing was moving. Now I live in Boise. Nobody here even knows I had a daughter.
In the evac center this guy tried to steal our stuff so Buster bit him, but then the National Guard put him down. The other kids said they took his body over to the Sunset camp and ate him. I believed that for years.
We miss you.
This was my girlfriend. I was an actor and she was trying to be a model. Then we had bruises all over our bodies and our hair fell out and we weren’t so pretty any more. After she got better she moved out to Orlando with everyone else in the business, but it all seemed so fake,
and I couldn’t stop wondering why these people hated us so much? So i went back to school instead and got a job in international development.
I wish it had never happened; but in a funny way if it hadn’t, the person I am now would never have existed.
Bridget was so excited to be going to the Oscars. We spent 2 days shopping for her dress.
I was 16 years old and having sex for the first time. I lost my leg to cancer less than 12 months later. I was doing okay for a few years but three weeks ago I just had my second bone marrow transplants. If it doesn’t take, I’ve probably got three months left and I see it on my parents’ faces when they visit me. All I can think about is Fatima and how I love her and wish I could see
her and maybe have sex a second time before I die.
Tabitha was born with seven fingers on each hand. Her father couldn’t take it. He joined the army instead so he could go to Iran and kill the people who did this to her. He says he’s not coming home until he’s got one for every finger. She just wants to see her dad.
For the cast & crew of Silence: it doesn’t matter now, but I work for PriceWaterhouseCooper, and you would have won. Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
The roads are a parking lot with people dying in every car. Where the ricin falls some people are rolling their windows up, others down. They turn blue and spasm as their lungs fill up. There’s over a thousand hours of youtube clips of them. I haven’t found my daughter yet.
My dad drove down from Stockton to help with the evac. He was going door to door trying to get people to move when some junkie shot him for his watch.
Betty Yu was a dental hygienist. She volunteered with search parties to look through rubble and cut her hand on a nail. Ricin got in the cut. She started throwing up. Her lungs filled up with water and she drowned on dry land and she never knew why. She was my wife.
Evy started throwing up bad but in the camps everyone was saying the water was poisoned so I told her not to drink but the nurse said later that’s why she died.
Get her to a hospital.
No Room
My mother has bruises on her arms and knees and her hair is falling out. Are these symptoms of radiation poisoning? What do I do?
Mehrzad Bahrami you came to this country to escape Khomeni. You had a daughter you found so foreign, but you loved me and paid for my college and hid your heartbreak when I married a boy who wasn’t muslim. But I keep the faith, papa. God! there is no God but he, the living, the self-subsisting.
I didn’t want to bomb Tehran. I didn’t want to go to war with anyone. Find the terrorists, OK, put them on trial, yes, please god. But war? How could I want any mother to go through what I went through with Simon?
Phil was the last guy you’d think would enlist. But after they killed LA he felt like he had to. Felt the call and joined the army. He said he never regretted it, but he started using near the end of his tour. Got weird and reclusive when he came home—didn’t want to talk to me much. OD’ed last
week. Funny to think those bombs are still killing people, all these years later.
Felicia Terez de Sota was last living in St. Francis de Salle nursing home and may or may not have been evacuated with other residents. She had Alzheimers. Just trying to find out what happened to her.
Jimmy, you told me once that God doesn’t matter much when things are good. God matters when you get to the end of what you can bear, you said. Well, God is taking care of us both, now. I miss you. I’ll see you again, someday, when He brings me home. Love Angie.
So now we know a little more about what happened in LA and Anaheim. Terrorists set off a dirty bomb at the 81st Annual Academy Awards (to be held in 2009), followed by more dirty bombs and ricin attacks. Bet people now wish that California had a giant earthquake that made it fall into the ocean. There isn't a specific death toll, but you know it's gotta be in the tens of thousands. No wonder the country went to hell in a handbasket.
This site has been brought to you by Walt Whitman's hidden photo text: "To The States, or any one of them, or any city of The States, Resist much, obey little; Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved; Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city, of this earth, ever afterward resumes its liberty."
And by the number 24.17.1
Secure Broadcast Informatics |
It's a good thing someone from the NIN community plunked down some money for one of the new DVD players, since the next clue came from the booklet for Beside You In Time in the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray releases. It's really hard to tell from the photos [1, 2, 3] (I guess people just don't have scanners anymore) but the text spells out 'solutions backwards initiative'. That takes us to http://www.solutionsbackwardsinitiative.com which redirects us to http://www.securebroadcastinformatics.com.
Secure Broadcast Informatics is just the type of company every paranoid country needs. It provides ultra secure connections so that the public will be completely unaware of what the government does behind closed doors. And if that isn't good enough, their engineers will turn in individuals who are on the 1000 Most Wanted List. What gets me is that this company was started by scientists. You know, the people who are supposed to be constantly questioning everything around them? This almost breaks my heart.
Developing Ultra Secure Connections Technology to Protect America
At SBI, We Learn From The Future As Well As The Past
We develop innovative solutions to ultra-secure communications. SBI represents the tip of
the spear in post-digital engineering and information transmission and storage.
Our award-winning researchers are world leaders in quantum encryption, authentication,
and verification. Our unique retrocausal systems effectively eliminate errors, interference, or
eavesdropping before they happen, allowing simultaneous levels of security and bandwidth
impossible for other systems. We are trusted by leading members of government and
industry to develop the technology to safeguard vulnerable information, no matter the place
or time.
With Secure Broadcast Informatics protocols driving your communications, you can reach
your audience...
...with zero chance of interception.
SBI is supported by a grant from the Department of Defense and is prohibited from further discussions of its work in publicly accessible forums. A Grade 4 security clearance and current background check is required to obtain further information. To inquire about an onsite visit, collaborations, or possible employment at SBI, please send your inquiry to Francisco@solutionsbackwardinitiative.com
About SBI
SBI was founded by two leaders in applied quantumm mechanics and relativity. The company
quickly grew to become the country’s foremost vendor of quantum encryption hardware and
software. We are known for combining bleeding edge research with robust applications that
work right – time and again.
Our pioneering work in retrocausal communications systems and in data security have
garnered multiple industry awards and government honors.
SBI is proud to support the education of the next generation through scholarship programs.
We have helped over two dozen students graduate with degrees in math and science. Many
of those same students now work for SBI or SBI partners.
In addition, many of our staff teach at colleges and universities. SBI supports their work
through flexible work schedules and “Educator Bonuses.”
Recent News
NSF Commends SBI For Educator Program
The National Science Foundation has issued an official commendation for SBI’s innovative
Educator program, which supports SBI employees’ work at local colleges and universities.
“It’s not just about teaching students differential equations -- it’s also about instilling strong
values and a deep loyalty to our nation,” said Dr. Bedles, a project manager at SBI and an
Associate Professor of Physics. “Our goal is to encourage the best and brightest young
minds in the country to follow a career in which they can use their talents to defend America.”
SBI Posts Record Profits
A mere three years after going public, SBI has impressed competitors and partners alike with
its strong fiscal growth. The company’s president is not afraid to take credit, but is quick to
praise her staff. “SBI’s recent growth required a strong vision, but more than that, it required
the tireless efforts of our talented and dedicated staff.”
SBI Employee Commended For Turning in Noted Dissident
SBI Lead Engineer Marty Chadwick was awarded a framed Certificate of Citizenship for
providing information leading to the capture of notorious underground figure Darren Kroupa.
Chadwick, who recognized Kroupa from his nightly perusing of the 1000 Most Wanted List,
spotted the dissident at a local laundromat and stayed on the scene until police arrived. US
Bureau of Morality Deputy Chief Connie West called the collar, “a major blow for America.”
Kroupa, who rose from the music subculture to become a leading figure in the East Coast
dissident scene, had been wanted on multiple charges stemming from an “underground
concert series” as well as numerous other illegal activities.
There is one email address that we can get an auto-reply from. It appears that not everyone at SBI is blindly working for the government, and clearly the Powers That Be don't like that one bit. If you cross Them, not only will they come after you, but they'll come after your family, friends and probably even your pets simply because they can. The German at the end of Francisco's email is from the poem First they came... by Martin Niemöller. Haunting stuff. Even though Francisco, his wife Elaina, and all of his co-workers at SBI are probably dead now, his email did provide us with another number to add to the list. Count the >s in his forwarded reply, and you get 24.19.1
As I write this, cops are coming to arrest me and my friends for trying to make America a better place to live. I'm an IT specialist, they are mostly scientists, ranging from graduate students to eminent professors. None of us are soldiers. None of us wanted to hurt anybody. We weren't in favor of violence-just the same free speech that used to be your right under the constitution.
If you look down, you will see an email I got two days ago. Is this the kind of country you want to live in? Are these the choices you want to make?
If you wanted a job here at SBI, ask yourself *which America do I want to defend?*
If you think about that for even a little while, be careful: the cops will be coming for you next.
Francisco Parro
IT consultant
PS I'm sorry, Elaina. If they had come to me even a little sooner, I would have betrayed my friends to save you. Now it's too late for any of us.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr,
der protestieren konnte.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From: <blocked>
To: Francisco@securebroadcastinformatics.com
Content: hidden bandwidth
>>Dear Sir:
>>>>It has come to the attention of the Bureau of Morality's Internet Monitoring Taskforce that several of the clients for whom you handle IT seem to show bandwidth loads that do not match their formally submitted audit numbers.
We have asked for clarification of this matter on three occasions. Your replies have been either evasive or insufficient or simply late. Frankly, speaking as one human being to another, it has been as bad as dealing with a health insurance company.
>You may be aware of that frustration yourself, in the lengthy delays you have encountered trying to process the papers for your wife's breast cancer treatments. So I know you understand our frustration, and will be motivated to do your very best to explain these bandwidth discrepancies.
>>>>>>>>>You may submit any information in the full confidence that it will remain anonymous.
Perhaps your wife will start feeling better soon.
>A friend
SBI has one of the most annoying flash puzzles ever: align the pieces to make a login box. First, the overlaying flash means you can't click on any of the navigation buttons on the left. You have to look in the source code to find out more about the company. Two, the pieces don't move as you expect them to. Dragging your mouse left and down might make the piece you are manipulating move right and up. This means that there is only one spot that all of the pieces line up correctly, making you go through a lot of trial and error figuring out where that will be. Third, the hotspots for each piece change/overlap. So you could have most of the pieces lined up correctly, but when you go to grab one of the last pieces, you can't and instead end up moving one of the previously placed pieces. Fourth, even if you do get everything lined up and get the password into the box, the submit button doesn't always work. So you have to go try to recreate the whole thing in a different browser or just wait a while hoping that it will somehow fix itself.
Removing all the frustration, you need to take all the pieces and line them up in the middle of the page. This creates the login box. When you're moving the piece with the submit box, you'll notice that a password 'types in' as you're moving it. When the login box is complete, you need to type that password ( matt26:45-46 ) into the box and hit submit. If you manage to get all that completed, you'll be taken to http://www.solutionsbackwardsinitiative.net/pilgrims.
Solutions Backwards Initiative |
The other SBI seems to be the home of all the scientists who still have half-a-brain and a backbone. As you read through their whiteboard postings, you begin to find out they are looking for ways to send information back to the past in order to stop everything that has been happening now. Even though they are using some of Secure Broadcast Informatics systems (and thus probably have the ability to keep their communications secure), they can't hide their bandwidth usage (see Francisco's email). The SBI Pilgrims know they are running out of time and schedule a test of the system.
I’m starting to wonder if there is a workable solution. We may need to abandon this line of thought for some time. This is not a fruitful inquiry at the present. -Yi
i’m going batshit crazy. there IS a workable solution, we’re just not seeing it. -Eva
Can’t you just use an old computer that was around like 20 years ago and just, you know, send the message to the younger version of itself? -Wayne
go away, wayne. the adults are talking. -Eva
Did anyone else read the paper from late last year by Chiarello et al? I posted a link. They proposed a bold change to the stress-energy tensor for asymmetric spin. -Carolina
yikes. Just trying to help. -Wayne
I am going to propose that we focus on the Weyl curvature tensor instead, as it is the polarization dependent term. Consider: it is key to the existence of superluminal photons in the first place. -Yi
i read that piece. i just did NOT like their treatment of the dispersion relation. i thought it was sloppy and error-prone. -Eva
That is a valid point. But broaden your thinking and consider the conceptual framework. -Carolina
I’m focused on preparing for Thursday’s test, but I’ll read the article this weekend, Carolina. Thanks for reminding us of it. I respect Chiarello’s other work a whole lot. -Kalpesh
going back to epr...after all this shit settles down, someone remind me to follow through with an idea i had. here, this’ll jog my memory: image
Interaction Methodologies / Sympathetic Resonance
Here, look: image -Carolina
Kalpesh: If you’re so married to the anthropic principle, why bother at all? Eva: No, 34 dimensions. -Miguel
oh. duh. right. in that case i see where you’re going. -Eva
I’m not married to it, I’m just trying things on for size. Anyway, I don’t see why we can’t just use
mathmatical equation
Doesn’t this seem more practical? -Kalpesh
Yi, re: your point about, equation the slow motion approximation is still useful for setting the parameters.
I appreciate the sophistication of your refinements, but I don’t think that, for our purposes, the results are worth the effort. We’re dealing with orders of magnitude here. -Carolina
Interaction Methodologies / Workarounds
In that case, how far back does quantum computing go? -Miguel
It really started to kick in about 15 years ago. -Kalpesh
that’s not far off our depth limit. -Eva
But if we can increase our depth, can we not try going further back? At least we can try, on this first test? I think it would be much more effective. -Yi
I’m in favor of minus 15. I’d rather increase our probability of success on the first try and then try to increase depth on subsequent efforts. -Carolina
goddamn. i’m undecided. yi has an awfully good point... what if 15 years is too recent to do any good? -Eva
15 years will do much more good than 15 nanoseconds. -Miguel
I vote minus 15. I’m with Carolina. If this works, we have a LOT to say. We’ll be doing this as often as we can.
wow. guys, think about it. if this works, what might happen to us after this first test? -Eva
Pray to your gods that the alt universe guys are crackpots. -Kalpesh
Maybe SBI will disappear. I hope. – Wayne
The universe next door. Brought to you by the fine researchers at Solutions Backwards Initiative. "Working together for a better yesterday." –Eva
FUCK YEAH! Three cheers for Solutions Backwards Initiative! –Wayne
LOL –Miguel
Hip, hip, hoo-no, wait, there’s probably somebody listening.. --Alicia
Interaction Methodologies / SR Tangent - Depth
Eva, are you able to talk to your friend at MIT? I am sorry to say, we might need another piece for EPR, similar to last summer. -Yi
shit. yeah, i was afraid that was coming. i’ll be in boston in 2 weeks anyway, i’ll try to swing by. is that good enough? -Eva
That is wonderful. Thank you. -Yi
no problem, bud. -Eva
Locating and Assembling Resources / 01
The budget is tight, my friends. Anyone knows an ethical embezzler? -Francisco
Don’t worry... Eva’ll hook us UP with her university suga-daddy! jk I know a guy if you need more cpu power. whatcha need? –Wayne
frank, heads up, fucking unscheduled computer inventory on 2/11 –Eva
They are looking for something. –Yi
Us. Remember, that’s what they did to Kapucinsky at Cornell. ‘Unscheduled audit turned up treasonous
behavior.’ –Jordan
Where did you hear about the inventory, Eva? -Francisco
doesn’t matter. Everything we’re fucking doing is on those sytems. –Eva
And half of them are scavenged and none of them are approved. -Jordan
We can run on Thursday. –Carolina
We aren’t ready. –Jordan
If we are going to do it, we will have to be. –Yi
I’ll be ready. -Carolina
Thursday night I will need to switch out our private box. -Francisco
do you think you can get the whole thing cleaned up, frank? -Eva
No problem. I told them I was using it to play my MMOGs on the weekends. Which I do. Stuff is scrubbed so squeaky clean that even running it over with SQUIDs isn’t going to give anything but noise But I put back my high scores! –Francisco
Solutions Backwards kicks ass on Thursday! Hey, do you think they’ll give us ajoining cells? -Wayne
Locating and Assembling Resources / 02
I need a pre-test run on the array before Thursday. I logged a formal request but they’re saying Saturday at the earliest. Who can get me on the schedule? -Carolina
Not gonna happen, hot stuff. The schedule is packed. -Wayne
I slated you for Wenesday night. 11:30. You can be there? -Francisco
y –Carolina
Good. You’re supposably supporting Miguel on a Georgetown remote run. -Francisco
Thank you, Miguel. -Carolina
I had to pull some strings but at this point I’m using up my brownie points so fast, what do a few more matter? -Miguel
System Status and Requests / Usage Request
I would like to tweak the system. I am not happy with current depth. Please tell me your ideas. -Yi
not sure.we all want the best Δt possible but don’t have a good solution. i’m kicking around some eqns, will post
when i have something close to useful. -Eva
Are we sure we have a handle on what is causing the polarization states to decohere over the long haul? Can we
imagine some sort of extended coupling? (I’m randomly free-associating with cooper pairing in SC... sorry Eva, I
know that’s your patented MO!) -Jordan
(Please use correct notation, Eva.) I am trying different configurations but lately I seem to just be going in circles. -Carolina
Going in circles! Get it? Aw, nevermind. -Wayne
(please pull the stick out of your ass, carolina.) -Eva
System Status and Requests / Upgrade Request
QD Run: here’s output from a my pre-test run on the EPR subsystem (BER simulation output is dashed lines) I think we are getting bleeding around 45deg attack, and significant decoherence I don’t understand. I need some input from somebody in the machine-physics end. image - Carolina
System Status and Requests / System Update
We’ve agreed (though not without dissenters... sorry, Eva) that given our political situations and workloads, Carolina is best situated to execute the test Thursday. Post here immediately if you have any reason to change the test parameters. But make it a damn good reason. -Jordan
I’ll try to be online for the test. But we had a big bust yesterday and Batavia is red hot for a while. –Alicia
I know a way to help. I’ll wait by my car in the parking lot until Chadwick comes out and then run him over. -Wayne
I am wiping or transferring everything non-essential. We all need to be extra vigilant this week. -Francisco
Carolina, I have to be here late Wednesday anyway to help push the DIA proposal out the door. Let me know if you need help/cover/whatever. -Eva
System Status and Requests / Test Prep
Current status: Stable
Security: High Risk
Notes: freeze all activities till Carolina is clear
Mallet Rings
Current status: Stable
Security: High Risk
Notes: freeze all activities till Carolina is clear
EPR Subsystem
Current status: Stable
Security: High Risk
Notes: freeze all activities till Carolina is clear
Current status: Stable
Security: Good
Notes: Frank will relay for Carolina. Stay on the channel until the test is complete.
While you're reading the Whiteboard entries, a chat applet pops open. It's the SBI crew starting their test. Unfortunately, things don't go smoothly. For some reason, there is a data leak and the login to their whiteboard appears on the Secure Broadcast Informatics. This might have been a signal to the authorities as one by one the SBI members are knocked offline. The authorities didn't act quickly enough, however, as the data spike (including text from banned books) goes through, and we are now able to see the websites from the future.
Carolina: thE HOUR IS AT HAND
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
YI: Who is there?
JORDAN: Wayne & Carolina @ SBI. Carolina's in the tarpit. Frank is relaying. I'm @ McGill. I've got a class writing an exam--may have to jump out.
MIGUEL: I'm representing for Georgetown. Sorry I'm late.
EVA: my palms are fucking drenched.
WAYNE: No problem Mikey. You good and secure over there?
MIGUEL: As secure as it gets. FWIW.
EVA: this is all pointless, i'm telling you this is an inside job.
WAYNE: Eva thinks we're screwed.
EVA: toller. i bet toller ratted us out.
YI: You are young. You want it to be an enemy. It isn't like that. It's the cafeteria worker, the neighbor, the janitor, your boss, the telecomm repairman. It's not a matter of "who." Just "when."
MIGUEL: Wow. Cynical.
YI: No. Just old.
KALPESH: What have I missed?
YI: When I was 13, I was a Red Guard. I rode the train to Beijing to hear Mao speak. I told on people who were reactionaries, including my parents. I tried to change the world.
MIGUEL: Hi, Kalpesh. How are things on your side of the pond?
KALPESH: Bloody crazy. Let's get this over and done with and shut down for awhile.
FRANCISCO: I'm back. Carolina's in the tarpit.
MIGUEL: And feeling Biblical!
YI: You do not have to join an organization. Sometimes if you just wait, times will change. The hard part is not doing things that later you are ashamed of.
ALICIA: you folks need me?
JORDAN: Is Carolina running her stuff, Wayne?
ALICIA: really, do you need me? bad time here at Fermi.
FRANCISCO: You're worried about security, A?
ALICIA: to put it mildly
JORDAN: Then go. Burn this log, but watch your instruments. If we get something, it may move the needle over there.
JORDAN: burn this log, obviously
FRANCISCO: C has just asked me to run calibration.
EVA: i cannot believe you guys chose her. i'd be faster.
JORDAN: Eva, if they are coming to audit tomorrow, and they find something, it would be stupid to have all three of you onsite at SBI.
FRANCISCO: Doctoring the access logs now. As far as they know, Wayne and Carolina never came back into the building.
WAYNE: skilz, Frankie!
EVA: This was my last fucking sick day.
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
YI: No one believes Carolina is a subversive
KALPESH: We'll see if that's still true tomorrow.
MIGUEL: What's our key text?
EVA: don't get me started.
FRANCISCO: Wayne, you're bleeding data somehow.
JORDAN: We mined a few banned books/songs.
WAYNE: Eva didn't like my choice.
EVA: jesus christ. why not send back "winnie the pooh"?
WAYNE: When they ban Piglet, I will.
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
EVA: wayne shut the FUCK up
MIGUEL: Banned books? Oh, THAT was a good idea.
WAYNE: It's not me, I swear. There's some kinda glitch, it keeps reposting.
FRANCISCO: Wayne, this login is bleeding onto the main page.
JORDAN: Sorry.
KALPESH: Shit I keep thinking I hear someone on the roof of my apartment.
WAYNE: What?
KALPESH: <kalpesh gives Miguel the finger>
FRANCISCO: Carolina's running now. Suerte, chica.
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
EVA: at least i used music from someone who's alive and fucking kicking.
MIGUEL: Was alive when he went to prison. Who knows now.
WAYNE: What do you mean "bleeding data?"
KALPESH: heard it again
FRANCISCO: Carolina says text is in the bed.
WAYNE: Sandwich 1/2 done.
JORDAN: Shut up Wayne.
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
EVA: I'm going to pull your fingers out of their sockets, wayne.
FRANCISCO: SHIT. I scrubbed out logon off the main page but it's back again! Wayne, stop screwing around!
YI: could it be carolina's machine?
EVA: Christ you're right it's on the front page. If someone sees what we're fucked.
KALPESH: shit I think
YI: ah
EVA: It's official
JORDAN: they got kalpesh?!
EVA: how much longer, frank?
JORDAN: god damn it. Wayne, Eva -- any of you in the States, you've got to abort. Get out of there!
MIGUEL: I can't believe it.
FRANCISCO: 30 seconds. Blackbox logon reposting on the front page AGAIN.
WAYNE: sirens
JORDAN: test bed's too deep
WAYNE: Fuck! Suits! All over the place!
EVA: goddamn theyre not supposed to search till tomorrow
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
FRANCISCO: Should I yank her out or what?
EVA: keep her in there! tell her to send send send. Send everything
JORDAN: oh my god
WAYNE: Jesus god. I locked the doors cause, hey, I'm fucked anyway. Might as well get an extra 3 mins.
WAYNE: Carolina says bye.
< thE HOUR IS AT HAND types out in the submit box >
MIGUEL: Sirens in front of my building. Shutting down. It's been real, guys.
FRANCISCO: No response from C
YI: America is not the world. The work will continue.
JORDAN: wayne are you still there
ALICIA: what the HELL is happening??!? Our instruments just went crazy
WAYNE: They're coming through. I'm cutting power.
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
FRANCISCO: This is pulling way more data than it should.
YI: What?
EVA: remoted in to check arrays
ALICIA: server brownout
EVA: She put everything through the bed holy shit !!!!!!!!
FRANCISCO: EVERYTHING I'm watching the data rate, it's through the ceiling.
YI: I'm going to miss my granddaughter.
FRANCISCO: Something went through.
ALICIA: Spike!
JORDAN: Depth?????
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
JORDAN: what happened to carolina!
EVA: you did good, C
FRANCISCO: channel snapped. I think C's just waiting for them to break through the doors.
ALICIA: Oh my god.
ALICIA: Oh my god.
WAYNE: w8ting w8ting 4 what?
Poor SBI people. The only hope for them now is for us to make sure that we don't start down the path towards a theocracy. But we now know that the hidden text (like this page's Huckleberry Finn quote) was part of their testing protocols. They banned The Hobbit? That's just wrong! Sadly, we still don't know what the numbers mean. Our latest one, by the way, is 24.19.12
Survivalism |
During the Brixon, UK shows, USB sticks were handed out that contained a video of Survivalism (which can now be found on the Year Zero website). The video shows a bank of television screens monitoring what looks to be an apartment complex. As NIN performs the song, you see a swat team enter the complex and eventually reach (and presumably kill) their target. You can also see some AIR guys performing an act of resistance by spraying painting the AIR flag using some nifty stencils. If you are the more obsessed type ARGer and go through all 3 minutes and 47 seconds of video frame by frame, you will notice that the time codes at the bottom of each monitor do not always show numbers.
There are seventeen frames that you need to notice to get the next website and the number.
So, our number is 24.16.4. But what about the website? We get the text 'The _ Turned To _' which doesn't give us anything. But on the door that gets kicked down, we have Rev 16 3 4 written. Revalations 16:3-4 reads (using the New Life Version) "The second angel poured out his jar of God's anger onto the sea. The water became like the blood of a dead man. Every living thing in the sea died. The third angel poured out his jar of God's anger onto the rivers and places where water comes out of the earth. The water turned to blood." And that leads us to http://www.thewaterturnedtoblood.com.
The Water Turned to Blood |
Well, it's nice to know that the government doesn't kill everyone it takes away in the middle of the night. They even try to rehabilitate some of the mentally ill. That is what this website is - a thereaputic website for inmate #4382BX12
WARNING: This site was created by inmate #4382BX12 as part of a therapeutic
treatment program administered by the psychiatric support staff at Judson Ogram
Correctional Facility. This patient is designated “extremely dangerous,” and is
currently undergoing aggressive treatment protocols under the “hazard to society”
statute. Judson Ogram Correctional Facility in no way approves, condones, or
promotes the views of this or any other patient.
being the witness of john of boston, who Found this Revelation on that time when the lord As a warning chose to turN the waters of the sea to blood when he Came upon the hand of god and the voicE of god which iS as the voiCe of rushing wAters, of mighty thunders.
If you look at the text in this 'Revelation', it's not that hard to spot that there is a secret message spelled out in the changing of the text case. The author has spelled out 'Francesca' three times. But the question is 'Why?' Upon taking a closer look at the source code, an answer seems to present itself. There is a hidden login box on this page. If you click on the red car next to The Presence's thumb, it pops up asking for a password. But 'Francesca' doesn't work. :(
So now what? There's no other hidden links on this page. But the warning message does mention Judson Ogram Correctional Facility twice. Could it be a hint to a new website? But of course!
Judson Ogram |
Judson Ogram Correctional Facility is a humane, safe and efficient prison that rehabiliates the criminals in our society so that they can become part of the mindless hoarde of patriotic citizens. I wonder if they use brainwashing or mind control drugs to do this. Either that, or they keep hitting them with a Bible until they repent. The cross symbol at the top of the J in the JOCF logo disturbs me.
Number for JOCF: 24.16.2
Founded in compliance with Ogram Law's mandage to address the growing security needs of a new kind of war: the war on terror.
Judson Ogram seeks to provide federal offenders a safe, efficient, humane and appropriately secure correctional institution, while maintaining dedication to the protection of citizens of the United States. Mindful of the Federal initiatives of re-entry, community service and victim reparation, we seek to instill in offenders an improved sense of responsibility and the capacity to become law-abiding members of society, patriotic citizens and moral and upstanding members of this community and Nation.
- Metal fabrication for institutional furnishing
- License plate manufacturing
- Data entry
Community Service
- Highway litter clean-up for Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Carpentry Workshop Project to provide furniture for children’s creches
- Reading books on tape for schools
- Administrative secretarial service
- Office system technology
- Food production/management services
- Baking
- Adult Basic Education
- College program
- Literacy program
Judson Ogram Correctional Institute – Visitors Information
Visitors please remember:
- Visitors are a privilege, not a right.
- You must be on the inmate’s visitor list.
- The Visitor’s Center hours are Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 4:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. You will be able to visit only for the time the inmate is authorized. The Visitor’s Center may close without prior notice on Low Air Quality days.
- Visitors are subject to search. See the list of proscribed items for things not allowed in the visitor’s room.
- Dress appropriately. No denim; vistors must be visually distinct from inmates. No revealing attire. Although Judson Ogram is a Medium Security facility, inmates may have committed sex crimes. The following is prohibited:
- No see-through or tight fitting clothing.
- No shorts. (Shorts will be permitted for children 12 years of age or younger).
- No skirts or dresses higher than the middle of the knee.
- No clothing with gang/club insignia or obscene gestures and/or language.
- No tank tops, tube tops or muscle shirts and no bare midriffs.
- Shoes and shirts must be worn.
- Appropriate undergarments must be worn (example: bra, slip, underwear)
- Follow all directions given by Corrections Officers. Directions that may seem arbitrary to you have reason to exist. This is not a conjugal visit. There will be children present. Behave appropriately.
- Inmates have no pocket money, however visitors are allowed to bring money to use in the vending machines in the visiting room.
- Corrections Officers have the right to terminate a visit at any time.
List of Proscribed Items:
- All weapons, guns, knives, boxcutters, anything with an edge that can cut.
- Any toy, model or replica that resembles a weapon, no matter how fanciful. This includes children’s toys, squirt guns, ray guns, plastic knives.
- All drugs. All prescriptions. All needles, diabetic testing equipment, insulin pumps. If you will need medication during your visit, it will be held for you at the desk in admittance and you will have to leave the visiting room to take it.
- You will be subjected to a nasal swab and a hand swipe to test for biologicals. This does not test for HIV, Hepatitis or the ‘White’ strains of TB.
- The federal system employs chemical sniffers to check for traces of explosives and banned toxins, including, but not limited to ricin and radioactive materials.
- Any food or drink not purchased in the visiting room.
- All flammable liquids, lighters, cigarettes, matches, flint and steel, aerosol cans.
- All jars, cans, plastic containers. All boxes, bags or any item that might be used to conceal something must be carried by a Corrections Officer who will empty the contents in the visiting room and then take the item(s) back to the admitting desk.
- This list is not exhaustive. All items are subject to search and may be confiscated and held at the admitting desk.
- Conveying illegal materials to an inmate is a felony.
At Judson Ogram Correctional Facility, our people are what make the difference.
Our Warden is a Presidential appointee. He oversees the facility with both
authority and compassion.
Warden Babcock Hirsch joined Judson Ogram after seven years with
Hillendbrandt Social Services where he worked in the senior care division
and then was Administrator of the Rochester New York Network of
Children’s Créche’s. In just two years here, he has increased Judson
Ogram revenues by 18% by maximizing inmate labor resources for the
private sector.
Our administrative staff bring organizational skills and a positive outlook to
the facility.
General Manager Susan Zewecky has been a vigorous proponent of
behavior modification programs for inmates in employment, establishing
an atmosphere of absolute safety and discipline. She also spear-headed
the Judson Ogram Pilot Studies program in partnership with Cedocore.
This program has not only been profitable for the institution, but provided
enormous benefits for the public at large. For example, Xerimax had
already been approved for over-the-counter sale in the United States
when a JO Pilot Study uncovered side effects ranging from renal damage
to pulmonary edema.
Our experienced medical staff ensures our inmates stay healthy and
physically fit.
The training regimes implemented by JO medical staff under Warden
Hirsch have paid handsome dividends, with 23% fewer hours lost to
sickness and 9% fewer Work Crew fatalities than five years ago.
Our trained psychiatrists safeguard the mental well-being of our inmates.
Judson Ogram is particularly proud of having one of the lowest recidivism
rates in the nation, thanks to a set of re-education protocols developed in
joint partnership with Cedocore and the Bureau of Morality.
Our Chaplain attends to the spiritual needs of each inmate.
In addition, the chaplain oversees Judson Ogram’s choir, the JailBirds,
famous throughout the penal system. Because the choir travels,
membership is intensely competitive. Any inmate between the ages of 13
– 17 may compete for a spot by private audition.
Our security guards guarantee the safety of the outside community and of
the inmates themselves.
Judson Ogram is proud to be a member of the Veterans Employment
Alliance. All Security jobs at Judson Ogram are reserved for veterans of
our nation’s armed forces. Judson Ogram: keeping soldiers
employed–and inmates in line.
At the bottom of the staff page there is a login box asking for Name, Case Number and Password. We really only have two case numbers to go on: 71839J from US Wiretap and 4382BX12 from The Water Turned to Blood. We know Agent Sikes worked 71839J, but there is nothing in the interview that suggests a password. So that's out. For 4382BX12, the password might be 'Francesca' but we still need a username. Babcock Hirsch and Susan Zewecky don't work. If you look closely at the pictures though, you'll notice that the picture of the psychiatrist has a name tag: Dr. Preston Gantry. That gives us what we need:
- Name: Preston Gantry
- Case Number: 4382BX12
- Password: Francesca
This takes us to Dr. Gantry's personal files. We come to find out that he doesn't view John (Inmate #4382BX12) as a threat, but that he's overruled by someone, who demands that John be thrown in jail as a terrorist without a trial. John has a magnetic personality, and it draws people in from all over. Including Dr. Gantry in the end. Moments before John is supposed to be executed, Dr. Gantry pleads with him to recant his statements so he can go free, but John refuses. Sadly for Dr. Gantry (and probably his daughter, Francesca), the Powers that Be don't like it when subordinates go over their heads, and they have Dr. Gantry arrested and sent for re-educuation. Poor guy.
Inmate #4382BX12
Psychological Evaluation
Inmate File No
4382BX12 |
Date/Time of Admittance
2/7/0000 |
John Ferminger |
36 |
M |
Medium |
Referral Source
?urt Od43 |
Chief Complaint
Belives that supernatural force (the Presence) has communicated to him that the end of the world is at hand. |
Psych Profile
Axis I - Schizophrenia Paranoia
Axis II - Some evidence of histronic disorder
Axis III - Good general health, daughter recently killed in a car accident
Axis IV - Arrested as a threat to public safety
Axis V - 35 (behavior is considerably in ???ed by delusional fantasy, serious impairment in reality testing and judgement)
Medication - Prescribed 20 mg flupenthixol by injection, every 10 days
This inmate was arrested for violating restrictions on unapproved gathering of more than 20 people. He is a middle-aged man in reasonably good health. He appears alert and well oriented, responds clearly to questions. He gives his education as High School and his manner and vocabulary are consistent. He makes good eye contact. Deceptively well integrated. Inmate is not violet and appears to pose no physical risk to himself or others. He shows no evidence of anxiety or depression, no history of drug or alcohol abuse, though his personality currently exhibits a manic or "driven" component (e.g. patient claims not to have slept since 2/4/0000 and has not been observed to sleep since entering JOCF).
During the Red Tide event, inmate was on the Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge. As a result of a mutli-car accident his car was pushed off the bridge into the river. While he was able to get out of the car himself, his attempts to get his daughter out of the back seat failed and she drowned.
Subject has a consistent fantasy of a mystical communicaton with a divine force which shares the attributes of "The Presence" mass delusion (giant hand reaching down from the sky, sense of being "unclean," etc.) He claims that he was saved by the Presence. He gives his name as John of Boston and says that 'John Ferminger' was 'washed away in blood' and reborn. It is apparent that rather than deal with the emotional trauma of the accident, he has instead given it a mystical meaning, and himself a starring role in the second coming. As many commentators have noted, delusional phenomena are often "funhouse mirros" of the patient's own cognitive organizaton. At the risk of over-simplifying, John Ferminger's life effectively came to an end when he watched his daughter drown. Possibly "the Presence" can best be undrstood as the screen onto which this internal trough was projected.
While this is consistent with histrionic disorder, the inmate otherwise shows little history consistent with that diagnosis. He is not flamboyant in manner or dress. He appears to have no history of rash decisions. He is not visibly particularly emotional nor is he suicidal. But his delusion is firmly established and he has stopped going to work or conducting any normal social interactions and has instead been preaching in the streets.
I am strongly of the opinion that this patient poses no threat to society. His values and instincts are fundamentally pro-social (if apocalyptic). In fairness, the patient will undoubtedly attempt to continue to give his witness. However, if removed from the public eye to a therapeutic setting for a period of some months, I am confident that a skillful practitioner could facilitate the intergration of his daughter's traumatic death into the patient's understanding. When that integration occurs, the need for "the Presence" as an external validation of his cognitive organization will fade away, and he will no longer pose any threat to society at large.
It must be noted that the patient's "aura of revelation" can be disruptive. Within the first day of being transferred to Judson Ogram, two guards, an orderly, and a cafeteria worker approached JOCF staff with requests that the prisoner be released, given a private hearing with the Warden, or allowed to speak to the inmate popultion. As of this writing, several hundred people have gathered outside the prison, calling for John's release.
Tide-azaspiracid - possible psychomotor effects?
took a great intrest in Francesa- surrogate for his daughter?
Boston Police Department
Unlicensed Gathering. Sedition |
Feb. 7, 0000 |
Investigating Officer
Aileen McMurphy |
Date/Time assigned
Feb.7, 0000 11:52AM |
Date/Time on arrival
Feb. 7, 2000 12:12PM |
Name |
Sex |
Race |
Home Address |
Occupation |
Evidence of Drug or alcohol use |
Other Comments |
Reporing Crime |
Witnessed |
Evidence of Drug or alcohol use |
Other comments |
John of Boston |
M |
Caucasian |
5'7" |
165 lbs |
Brown |
Blu-Grn |
Unknown |
none |
Average |
none |
Black |
gray t-shirt |
brown pants |
white atlethic |
Number of Offenders:
1 |
Narrative: Enter additional details of offense/indicent, and any information not contained on the reverse side.
Dispatched on report of man preaching to crowd on Boston Commons with instructions to work with FBI Sp. Agent Tenbrit. At site, crowd of approcximately 1000+ gathered to hear man to calls himself John of Boston preach. (Television and newspapers were present.) No permit to gather. Arrested twice previously on charges of seditious speech and unlawful gathering, was out on bail when arrested today.
Agreed to wait until he finished preaching so as not to incite the crowd. Preached until about 1:14PM, crowd slowly dispersing afterwards. Did not resist arrest. Refused counsel and admitted to being in violation of the law. Booked downtown and remanded to FBI Sp. Agent Tenbrit as representative of Homeland Security for disposition on sedition charge.
Not Dangerous! This man is attracting thousands and he's not Dangerous!?
Look at the transcripts. Peace, Love, Universal Brotherhood (at the end of the world) He's crazy but u;timately harmless.
1000+! Ship him to a 'Domestic Terrorist' Facility and let him rot.
Zealous followers + Peaceful ideology make trial very undesirable option, from a PR standpoint.
Then we need a permanent solution that does not involve a trial.
Over ruled
Boston Sees Red
Phoebe Chacon
Boston Harbor turned red yesterday in what officials are describing as the northermost Red Tide ever recorded. Flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Boaz and excessively warm weather for this time of year combined to create conditions that led to several car accidents and thousands of panicked calls from Boston citizens.
City officials say that the Red Tide will not affect the quality of drinking water. The smell, although noxious, is not harmful. But Red Tides do contain substances that can irritate the skin and city officials advised residents to avoide the river water and to rinse throroughly with tap water if exposed.
Red Tides are caused by rapidly multiplying algae. They've been recorded for centuries in the Gulf of Mexico. In the past, Boston waters have typically been too cold for the algae to grow to sufficient numbers to change the water color, but scientists believe changes in global weather patterns, combined with fertilizer and refuse-rich run-off in the aftermato of Boaz created exceptionally favorable conditions for that they call a "bloom event." By afternoon, the color of the water had returned to normal, and plunging temperatures and the return of more seasonal Boston weather mean that the water is unlikely to turn red in the near future.
Police dispatches fielded hysterical calls from people who apparently believed that the red water signified the end of the world and reported seeing hallucinations. Roads and interstates were clogged with accidents. One fatality resulted from an accident on the Zakim Bridge.
I’ve turned off all the security cameras.
INMATE #4382BX12
I want my Master to see what I am doing, Dr. Gantry. Shouldn’t you?
John, you’re going to die.
INMATE #4382BX12
So are you.
You’re going to die TODAY.
INMATE #4382BX12
If this is our last time together, you should listen to me while you still have time.
Nobody is listening, John! Nobody can hear you any more.
INMATE #4382BX12
You can. Listen to me:
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Look, I pulled some strings in the Administration. All you have to do is sign this form. Then you walk outside this jail and tell your followers your revelation was false.
INMATE #4382BX12
It wasn’t.
You don’t have to believe it, you just have to say it. On TV.
[At this point, Dr. Gantry pushed the form at the inmate, who refused to sign.]
INMATE #4382BX12
I have enjoyed our talks. Thank you for telling me about Francesca.
The Administration wants you to disappear.
[At this point, the inmate reached to take Dr. Gantry’s wrist and turned it over as if to display the inside of his wrist.]
I suppose you’re going to tell me that’s the Mark of the Beast
INMATE #4382BX12
Your words, not mine.
They won’t even take you to court. You’re a Security Threat. In a few minutes they will drag you out behind this jail and shoot you through the head and send your wife a bill for the bullet.
Sign. The. Form.
INMATE #4382BX12
I am trying to save your life!
INMATE #4382BX12
You did not come here to save me.
I did, for all the good it—
INMATE #4382BX12
You came so I could save you.
[At this point, there was silence for a very long period.]
I – I didn’t... I
INMATE #4382BX12
I am a vessel, nothing more. I am a bell struck by God and you can hear the truth ringing from me. You came for the same reason they all did, all the poor suffering bastards outside this prison.
I am nothing like—
INMATE #4382BX12
I am trying to save your life.
You are exactly like them, and like me, and like the rest of God’s poor creatures. We suffer and we die and that is all.
Isn’t that reason enough to be kind to one another? In the last few hours before dark?
[At this point, the inmate dipped his fingers into his glass of water and then anointed Dr. Gantry’s forehead.]
What should I do?
INMATE #4382BX12
Go home. Tell Francesca you love her. Wait for the end.
This evidence was harvested by “tier 2” internal security measures.
Pursuant to material detailed herein, Dr. Gantry has been remanded to custody and scheduled for aggressive re-education.
JO internal – DO NOT FORWARD to police, next of kin, etc.
So we've now found out a lot about John of Boston. But we still don't have a password. His daughter's name would have been great, but it's not given anywhere. He does however quote some scripture during his interview with Dr. Gantry, and we've seen a lot of Bible quotes as passwords. Putting "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities" into Google, it comes up with Ephesians 6:12 right away. And as a password it works and takes us to http://www.thewaterturnedtoblood.net/bridge.htm
The Bridge |
John is a bit cracked. Sure The Presence is probably real. Sure he might be a prophet of it. But at the same time, the guilt over his daughter's death just oozes out of him (see the Seatbelt section). Maybe his grief is what gives him power. I dunno. Either way, the whole thing is still very tragic and sad. Probably why John merits two numbers. His original was 24.16.1 and now his newest one is 24.16.3
The Broken Bridge
Being the testament of John of Boston, baptized in water and in blood in the year named zero.
The Fall
The Bible tells us that God made Adam and Eve and made also for them Eden, which was an earthly paradise. But when they sinned the Lord drove them out of Eden and into this world.
It is the nature of man to fall.
As we spoiled Eden, we have spoiled this world; as we were driven from Eden, the hand of God has
come to drive us from this world to the next.
We have made the earth our looking-glass: the blood of our brothers cries from the ground: the clear water is red: the air is thick with smokes and poisons that are the airs of hell. Hell is a volcano and we are the vent: our mouths bring forth fire and ashes.
We are cast into outer darkness and all we know is the drop: the darkness and the terrifying speed: the fall and the falling.
The Bridge
The life of man is driving on a bridge. Under the girders there is darkness, but I am in a high
place. I am heading for a destination, which is the future. I have not seen this
destination, but I drive toward it with great purpose and direction.
Under the bridge are the homeless people, but I am above them.
Under the bridge are dark waters, but I do not hear them.
I have heard the bridge is broken. Every man and woman and child in the generations of the earth has driven off the broken bridge and been lost: but I do not slow down. I am in a high place, I have purpose, I have direction. I am driving as fast as I can to get to the other side.
On Seat Belts
We are all going to die, but do we prepare? No. Instead we fill our lives with things to keep us
safe. We are installing smoke detectors as we drive onto the broken bridge, we are checking our
blood pressure, we are eating healthy, we are wearing seatbelts and driving as fast as we
can toward the other side.
The bridge is broken and we drive into space. Darkness rushes up to us with terrifying speed and the
smoke detectors do not help. Now broken and screaming there is no destination there is only blind
panic and gasping and we are trapped in the car Consumer Reports promised us was safe.
We see the faces of those who love us through the car window. They are trying to help but we are too
scared to think we can’t find the locks we are tangled in the seat belt and we are
falling, turning, rolling down into darkness. Into the water.
The Broken Bridge
You will see me tonight. You will be safe in your house, in your apartment, your old folks home, your
couch, your easy chair. The soldiers will come for me. They will hustle me forward with direction and purpose, as if while holding me they were somehow on quite a different road, a different bridge.
They will take me to a room they think is not their destination. They will put the rope around my neck and they will break the bridge.
Watching at home you will shift in your chair, on your couch, in your bed. You will pour a glass of water and tell yourself it is good to be alive. But in your stomach will be a ghost, a shadow of horror. If you notice it at all you will call it “empathy” or “squeamishness” or even fear but it is none of those things. It is the sensation of falling.
Look at me, swinging there. I am a mirror.
I am you and you are falling.
Cedocore |
While we were so busy trying to find the password to John's site by going through Judson Ogam, we skimmed right over the mention of Cedocore on the staff page, which has its own website: http://www.cedocore.com
From the makers of Parepin, Cedocore has a whole range of drugs that will make you nice and compliant so that the people in power can stay in power you won't have to worry about being jailed for resisting the status quo. Like all the other scary government sites, Cedocore also has a lovely little cross on the page showing you that religion rules over all.
Tip of the Day
Don’t leave sunscreen out
of your morning routine!
Everyone loves a warm
winter, but too much sun
exposure can damage
your skin. Try our oil-free
Violet Shield moisturizer
(with natural botanicals
and 150 SPF protection) to
leave your skin healthy
and refreshed!
Cedocore Spotlight
Here are just a few of the
quality products brought to
you by the good people
of Cedocore:
- Anphylox
- Amproprax
- Avoprem
- Niraderm
- Phenylpro
- Prozira
- Sariferm
- Xarylax
- Zalaflo
- Zynacor
Family & Country First Corporation
Cedocore, the maker of
Parepin, is recognized by
the Bureau of Morality as a
Family & Country First
At Cedocore, "Patients Come First"
Cedocore is dedicated to helping people live longer,
happier lives.
- Through research and development of new
medicines and pharmacological technologies
- By helping people get the medicines they need.
Real Customers - Real Success
I was angry, moody...my friends didn’t know what had
gotten into me. I was arguing with my wife for no good
reason. Even the dog was avoiding me! I just couldn’t
stop feeling anxious and upset. Then my doctor
suggested I try Prozira. Now I’m fun to be around again. I
sleep better, too! Thanks, Cedocore.
– John S., Detroit
Cedocore News
- February 9, 0000 Cedocore extends partnership with Bureau of Homeland Security Health Management to continue work on immunological protections.
- February 7, 0000 Cedocore 2:1 stock split announced. Wall Street Journal reports that America is bullish on Cedocore.
- February 4, 0000 Cedocore Acquires GenenSyst Labs and Genome Restructuring Technology
- February 3, 0000 Prozira approved for use in children 2 years old and older.
- February 1, 0000 Cetacox2 Viral Therapy Approved by FDA
The world can be a scary place
But YOU don't have to be scared
Prozira won't change your world
But it will change your mind
Make it all go away
(Prizaproliam Oxolate)
Are you Suffering from Situational Anxiety?
Take this simple Quiz
Obtaining prescription drugs from unauthorized pharmacies,
including foreign sources and “back-seat pharmacies,” is a
violation of applicable laws and is punishable by fines and
prison sentences. Remember, illicit sources often provide
expired, fake, or contaminated drugs. Look for the FDA
sticker in the pharmacy window before you buy!
Product Update
If you are currently taking Amproprax and have experienced
unusual, severe joint pain or difficulty swallowing, please
call your doctor immediately.
The funniest/scariest thing on the website has to be the Situational Anxiety Quiz. It's 10 questions about whether or not you need Prozira, from the makers of Parepin.
Do you suffer from Situational Anxiety Disorder?
Take the test!
1. "I have feelings of fear or sadness...
- Never
- Sometimes
- When I'm thirsty
- When I'm awake
2. Have you experienced difficulty sleeping, or do you sleep too much? Weight loss or gain?
- Yes
- No
3. When you hear distant gunshots at night, do you...
- Assume it is for your protection
- Find it difficult to get back to sleep?
- Return fire
4. You are watching television when you see news of a natural disaster, such as the drowning of Miami. You are more likely to:
- Feel shocked, saddened, and want to help
- Feel shocked, saddened, and want other people to help
- Feel thirsty
- Change the channel
5. You are watching television when you see images of plague and famine in Africa. Do you
- Feel shocked and guilty
- Feel thirsty
- Assume they had it coming
6. When I see images of American soliders being killed in Africa and the Middle East, I feel
- Anxious and despairing
- Grateful for their sacrifice
- Thirsty
7. When I see images of American soliders killing OTHER people in Africa and the Middle East, I
- Feel angry
- Feel sad
- Feel slightly aroused
- Get a drink
8. Do you ever get that "feeling you are being watched"? That your phone calls are being monitored, your email archived and read, your movements logged on security camera footage?
- No
- Yes
- Yes, and that's a GOOD thing!
9. Now that America has moved beyond elections, and you know the current Administration will continue indefinitely, you feel
- Grateful and secure
- Releived. One less hassle every four years
- Thirsty
- Like throwing myself under a bus
10. Check the box if you have seen
- an angel
- a ghost
- a UFO
- the "Presence"
Depending on how you answered, you can get one of eleven different responses, plus the nice little disclaiminer about Prozira and its side effects. You're basically screwed no matter how you answer, so just take Prozira and drink the water.
You Scored: 0
It's fortunate you took this quiz. You show many symptoms of early stage narcolepsy or incipient catatonia. Have a friend or relative take you in to see a doctor and ask about Amproprax, the "stimulant drop" from the caring people at Cedocore. Take Amproprax, and Learn to Feel Again.
You Scored: 1 - 3
You show clear and distinct signs of Situational Anxiety Disorder. At the very least, your relationships are probably strongly affected. You would undoubtedly benefit from an evaluation by a licensed medical professional. Take comfort in the knowledge that with Provira, [sic] a calmer, happier life is just around the corner.
You Scored: 4 - 10
Situational Anxiety Disorder is interfering with most aspects of your life. You may be in trouble at your job and not even know it. Consult your physician about treatment, including Prozira, to help put your career and relationships back together again.
You Scored: 11 - 15
You are severely affected with SAD. Call your physician, and if you are unable to see him within forty-eight hours, call your spiritual adviser. Don't lose heart. A careful medical evaluation and a therapy regime based around (but not necessarily limited to) Prozira will "Make It All Go Away"
You Scored: 16 - 20
Your level of Situational Anxiety is critical. You could be a threat to those around you: friends, co-workers, and even your precious children. Remember, Prozira comes in tablets, lozenges, chewing gum, patches, and suppositories to fit any lifestyle. Find the one that's right for you!
You Scored: 21 - 25
Remain calm. Refrain from exposure to firearms and/or liquor and/or drugs. Seek medical assistance. Have faith. There IS good news. You are a candidate for the Prozira Pen - the same venal injection device used by ambulance crews, social workers, and police. Why wait for someone to use it on you - try it yourself today!
You Scored: 26 - 30
Under the circumstances, it would be best to call or email the authorities and then sedate yourself until they arrive. Be careful, but be thorough. Lives are at stake. Remember, there is an IV drip with Prozira waiting for you at the hospital. You will learn to live and love and laugh again!
You Scored: 31 - 35
Agreeing to make Prozira part of your parole/re-education program could reduce your sentence by up to 5 months and your fine by as much as $5000.00, contingent on passing daily blood tests and weekly personality inventories. Ask your social worker or parole officer. Remember, you don't have to be a failure in your personal life and an embarrassment to your family. One magic word can make all your dreams come true - Prozira.
You Scored: 36 -, 38
Drink the water. Take Prozira. Your life will be better that way. We mean it.
You Scored: 39 - 40
You have triggered an automatic rapid response. Please wait quietly where you are and surrender to authorities when they arrive. The next few days may not be pleasant. Remember to ask the first responders for fast-acting Prozira "spikes". Generic substitutes are NOT the same! Lawyers, cells, and interrogations are all triggers for anxiety in many people. "Make Them Go Away" - with Prozira.
You Scored: 41 - 42
Your profile has been submitted to certain government authorities. You may be offered a choice between prison and certain kinds of public service. You will be contacted shortly.
The most frequent adverse events reported with Prozira vs placebo in clinical trials were nausea (24% vs 14%), dry mouth (21% vs 14%), somnolence (19% vs 14%), ejaculation disorder (20% vs 1%), anal seepage (19% versus 10%), insomnia (17% vs 14%), increased sweating (11% vs 9%), and diarrhea (8% vs 1%). Do not take Prozira with Alcohol. Prozira should not be taken by anyone who plans to drive a car, bus or taxi, work heavy machinery, work in a hospital where other people's lives are directly dependent on their judgment. Air traffic controllers are prohibited from taking Prozira by law. Some women have experienced climax while sneezing. Sunlight can decrease this effect. A few patients have reported anal whitening, recurrent, persistent déjà vu and the experience that someone is in the room with them when they are alone.
And since no site would be complete without a number on it: 24.18.1
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