Supersonic Tours Pamphlet
The packages also contained a pamphlet for the Supersonic Tour like the kind you can find in any hotel lobby or highway rest stop. §

Whatever timeline this pamphlet is from, the space program was much, much bigger than it is in our time. We already know that Maine has its own launch facilities (Cape Elizabeth Space Center) but Florida had the "Original Six". The Kennedy Space Center iswas still one, but there is also RSO Station and four unnamed others. Were these all government facilities or did private space travel take off much sooner than in our timeline? And with all that money sunk into facilities what exactly happened that would cause the government and/or private companies to just abandon everything? The setting up of the Eastern and Southern Exclusion zones must have been the mother of all eminent domain seizures. They even closed Disney World!

One thing that didn't close though? The Moonshot Motel! Ironic considering in our timeline it didn't last past the early 70s.

The Moonshot Motel
With Disney World being abandoned, the next best tourist destination is The Moonshot Motel, home of The Other Side Experience TM. The fact that the pamphlet doesn't really give you any details about why you would want to visit the motel or the Experience means that these must be well known places. Like getting a tour pamphlet for a guide around New York City and there just being a one line blurb about The Statue of Liberty and The Empire State Building.

You also know that The Moonshot Motel must be quite the experience, because instead of just getting a ticket or your hand stamped, you get a visitor pass on a lanyard! It's not the usual type of ticketing outside of conventions or facilities where everyone needs to be badged for security. Do these badges contain hidden security measures that keep the holders safe from whatever is causing the strange phenomena in the Exclusion Zones? §

The reverse of the pass has a quote from a Kali Zaman: "These vessels are mere projections, and through our connection to the universe, we may all live beyond this reality." No idea who Kali Zaman is or was. Maybe they own The Moonshot Motel. Maybe they were one of the first people to experience whatever The Other Side. Maybe they were just a poet and that line just captured the essence of whatever happens here. But why the underlined words?

Remember that Ash pointed Novak to 083951 if they wanted to learn more about where the file names came from. This visitor pass is part of the 083951 box. Ash also said that the file names came from a list from the guy who ran the archives who went missing for a few months but when he returned he acted like no time had passed. The pamphlet from Supersonic Tours talked about experience time dilation. What if the archives guy slipped through a window and ended up at The Moonshot Motel at some point and found his own Visitor's Pass and other documentation? What if he then used what he found to make up his list of file names?

Could vessels_beyond be a valid file name? Yes!

Vessels Beyond
When you first visit Vessels Beyond, you are greeted with a Field Studies Institute computer screen that has experienced an unexpected error and needs to reboot. §

Once it finishes rebooting, it takes you to losing_control, a remote desktop (Session 77) of an unknown user from December 31, 1994. Maybe we shouldn't explore it and instead just fill out the appropriate Form 17. But where would the fun be in that?

There are six different icons on the desktop. The windows that open up sometimes get stuck behind the current window, but you can drag them around to view everything:

  • My Desktop
  • do_not_open
  • soma_final
  • Network
  • migratory_drift
  • 94_12_16_notes

The My Desktop icon doesn't given us anything but an error message that it cannot connect to the local desktop. §

Despite the file name and bomb icon, the do_not_open file isn't dangerous to open. § It's the journal of the unknown user from December 12, 1994. It seems that they have been through something that traumatic and that journaling has been helping them remember. Could this be the archive guy after he disappeared and then reappeared? Whoever it is, they reference another transient cassette (migratory drift - which is available in the remote session but not a valid file name in our databank) and complain that it is just filled with ambient feel-good "music" instead of something better like Van Halen or Motley Crue.

The journal also references STS-67 going up soon. In our timeline, STS-67 was a Space Shuttle Endeavour mission that launched on March 2, 1995. The main mission was Astro-2 Spacelab that was to "conduct astronomical observations in the ultraviolet spectral regions". There was also some protein crystal grown experiments and gyroscopic experiment designed to compensate for motion disturbances. No idea what our unknown user was going to be searching for, but possibly something in the ultraviolet range.

The soma_final file opens up a (quite crappy) scan of notes from an emergency session of Project Soma from January 1, 1970. §

Wow, so this memo answers a lot of questions and raises some others. On December 31, 1969, the eight members of Project SOMA where planning to stay overnight in the facility to celebrate the new year. From what we learned in Orientation Film IV, experiments were being run on Anomaly LBA-01 that night. Something must have gone terribly wrong as at around 2:01 AM, a loud sudden noise woke up 5 of the 8 members of Project SOMA. The other three are nowhere to be found. At 2:34 AM, the Department of Defense is called and at 3:07 AM, an emergency meeting of the remaining members of Project SOMA takes place to discuss the future of Project SOMA. Whatever happened must have known to be catastrophic if they called in the DOD within 30 minutes and had decided to form a whole new organization within 90 minutes of the incident.

We also know who survived Project SOMA and who did not:

  • Alice Fiorella
  • Amelia Haydock
  • Mathilda Remlinger
  • Carlos Scharf
  • Todd Tilzer
  • Arthur Reese
  • Dorothy Ross
  • Alan Trenchard

I'll admit when I first read page 16 of the handbook, I misread the list of the names as the names of the founding members of the Field Studies Institute and thought it meant that Dorothy and Arthur were part of the remaining members to found the Institute. But it's not. It's a list of "The eight members of Project SOMA [that] inspired the creation of [the] logomark" and it gives no indication as to who survived. I was at least right about reading it as "the five survivors", but I do like the use of the word "remain" knowing that the other three disappeared with seemingly no trace.

Moving on from the bombshell of the SOMA file, like the Desktop icon, clicking on the Network icon just gives you an error message. §

Migratory Drift is, as the journal writer notes, ambient music (I make no judgement as to the quality of the music). Nothing seems to be visible in the spectrogram but that doesn't mean there couldn't still be something hidden somewhere in the file. Maybe this is just an ARG to highlight an ambient music producer's works. Wouldn't be the strangest idea in the world.

The last icon is 94_12_16_notes. These are (presumably) notes written on December 12, 1994, the same date as the do_not_open journal entry. § So the user still needs to digitize the remaining track from the cassette tape. It could be that Side A (migratory_drift) is just a regular audio file from Deviation Land and that Side B might contain something really weird, like how the trailhead Side A was just a "normal" recording from the other side, while Side B was super strange. Oddly, these notes are from December 16th but the date on the computer is December 31st. Did something happen to the user that they haven't been able to update in two weeks?
It All Happens At Once

The last thing the unknown user references in his noes is a new deviation report: "have you ever watched a star die?" We've seen that phrase twice before: once in Extraction 01 with Claude and Halley and then in the Deviation report filed by Ash. And that audio file had the strange spectrogram where the words "it all happens at once". Knowing that we have access to more files than what is publicly available on the database, maybe the words in spectrogram can lead us somewhere.

Using the words "it_all_happens_at_once" as a new file name, we get connected to a desktop printer running PrintBlaster2000 Wizard v.3.1. Once the file (FIELD_STUDIES_INST_COPY_EXE V2.77) has transferred to the desktop ID 7729, you can view it. §

The image is the picture equivalent of the recordings we've been hearing. Random images, words flowing around the page. Nothing makes much sense. My impression is that these are the thoughts of someone or someones that are being taken as they are inside a deviation (or anomaly) and the deviation spits them out through the printer system. Whoever is thinking these thoughts, there are two things going on. One: they feel like they are losing themselves, and Two: they are excited that they found HER. Who is Her? Halley? Someone else? They think they can bring her back. Can they? Do they? Has this already happened? Or will it happen in the future?

Policy Notice
There has been one minor update to the site since it was originally found. A Privacy Policy was added to the databank page in the form of a Question Mark in the top right hand corner. Clicking on it, it informs you that sharing information to any external sites will result in your immediate termination. Good thing I'm not actually an employee of the Field Studies Institute or I would be totally fired. §

The Privacy Policy also contains two links: one to the Field Studies Institute's Instagram page and one to Form 77-A which allows you to sign up for notifications when further batch files are processed. You can also give your address to receive "small, inexpensive, leadership-approved tokens of appreciation in recognition for timely completion of your work" but please keep in mind your paycheck may be docked if the token is worth more than $10. §

Instagram and YouTube
The Privacy Policy linked to the Field Studies Institute's Instagram page where they have upload some "film" reels of the objects in the databank. There doesn't seem to be any real additional information than what appears to be in the database, just a little bit different presentation. The three B reels are "new" in the fact that they aren't standalone videos in the databank, but you can see that they make up the video images from Halcyon Violation. In number 3, there is a series of 15 images that are a bit more visible than they are in the training video. It seems like filler, but there may be something hidden in there somewhere. §

The YouTube channel isn't linked from the Privacy Policy, but the Mayfly and Field Instrument videos are uploaded on there as well as YouTube shorts.

There apparently is also a TikTok account for the Field Studies Institute, but at this time, there is no activity on it.


See the Intro page for a list of all the websites, plus brief information about this guide and the game.